What are you currently reading?

The lazy Sunday comics continue :slightly_smiling_face:


You’ll have to tell us your thoughts. Both the Eighth Doctor story and Fugitive Doctor story have threads in the comics category.

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Finished The Eight Doctors, so I can finally get on to Vampire Science.

I didn’t enjoy it every much. It’s possible I would have liked it better if I was more familiar with some of the characters going in, but I was more so annoyed by the way the story was completely dropped after only a few chapters to do something completely different and only return to the original plot in the very last chapter. It felt like the author couldn’t decide which story to write so just put them both together, and both were worse off for it.

Hopefully the other EDAs are better. I’ve heard good things, at least.


I enjoyed The Eight Doctors, but yes I agree the introduction of the new companion was kinda tacked on as an afterthought.


The book was a lot better once we met Six and it stopped feeling like self-insert fanfiction where the author wants to meet all their favourite Doctors and help them solve things and actually got a plot.

(I’m saying this as someone who loves fanfiction and often enjoys these sorts of self-insert stories - it’s just not what I want when I read an official novel.)


I really enjoyed the Third, Fifth and Sixth Doctor sections, don’t really remember the Second Doctor section, was really bored by the Fourth Doctor section, and was just offended by the First and Seventh Doctor sections lol, they did so little with my two favorites :sob:


Working on a non-Who book: You’ve Got Lybia: A Life Serving the Muslim World, and then plan on reading the second Eighth Doctor collection from DWM: The Glorius Dead.

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Not Doctor Who-related, but I’m finally about to start reading Brandon Sanderson (his books are constantly hailed as modern fantasy classics, but I’ve never gotten around to reading his works). I’m probably going to read his books in publication order, beginning with Elantris this week (and slotting the books in between Book Club books).


I’m currently reading through the cosmere as well, and currently on Elantris (it’s really good).

The order that got reccomended to me to read them was

  • Original Mistborn Trilogy (first book is Mistborn: The Final Empire)
  • Elantris
  • Warbreaker
  • Arcanum Unbounded (short-story collection; however, save Edgedancer until after Stormlight 2)
  • Mistborn Era 2 Books 1-3 (first book is Alloy of Law; do NOT read book 4 yet)
  • Stormlight Archive 1 & 2 (first book is Way of Kings, and also remember to go back to Arcanum Unbounded for Edgedancer after book 2)
  • Stormlight 3
  • Dawnshard (novella)
  • Stormlight 4
  • Mistborn Era 2, Book 4
  • Tress and the Emerald Sea (Secret Project #1)
  • Yumi & the Nightmare Painter (Secret Project #3)
  • The Sunlit Man (Secret Project #4)

But publication order is defintely a lot more easy to follow


You know, I checked through plenty of guides to figure out where to start, and part of me actually wants to start with Mistborn, so I might go for the trilogy before reading Elantris. If this order has worked for you so far, I mean?

Yeah it definitely worked great for me

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Finished Ten Little Aliens. Very morbid fun. I loved the weird clash between the space marine genre, and the trio of plucky heroes from a 60’s children’s show. For all its extreme violence, Time of Your Life would’ve felt very at home in the Saward era, so it was weird reading a story that would never have been conceived of in the 60’s. And yet, The Doctor, Ben and Polly were all characterised perfectly, so I was somehow able to just roll with it.

I’ve never read an Agatha Christie novel, so I can’t speak as to how well Cole recreated that vibe, but the paranoid and unsettling atmosphere that he cited as inspiration was definitely felt, especially in Chapter 14, when the book takes a sudden turn into a choose your own adventure format, and you’re hopping between different POVs at will wondering who’s next on the chopping (or morphing) block.

Up next, Killing Ground!

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I’m almost done reading Cold Fusion! I’ve started Part Six which I believe is the final part.

Started reading “Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure with the Daleks”.

Two chapters in - it is really interesting to see just how much was changed of the genesis of Doctor Who in this novelisation :+1:

Susan English?!?


Still reading Timewyrm: Genesys…

I go off and on from reading it. Up to chapter 11 now. The beginning was a bit harder to get through but now the story is picking up. The sexual themes here are odd for Doctor Who and I’m not sure how I feel about them. I’ll definitely post my full thoughts once I’m done in the Book Club discussion.


Yes, I can see why it might be a bit of a struggle to get through Genesys initially. It’s a very different kind of Doctor Who story and John Peel’s writing style isn’t always the most welcoming.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, just wait until we get to “Transit” :flushed::grimacing:


I’m reading Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion at the moment


welcome @beardedwhovian


Thank you very much

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