What are you currently reading?

Coming to the end of Catastrophea.

I have notes…

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Please, share them with us, we are eager to find out!


I’m going to wait till the end to give him the benefit of the doubt…

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Starting Dreamstone Moon tonight in an attempt to pick up the EDAs again after falling off them last year after a John Peel one x.x


I actually really enjoyed both of Peel’s EDAs.

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Finished Timewyrm: Exodus. Working on About Time 3 off and on. Planning on starting The Resurrection Key (Nina Wilde & Eddie Chase #15) tomorrow night.

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Started reading (actually, listening to Jackie Tyler reading) Winner Takes All.


Technically speaking, “Python Crash Course”, but I’m largely just skimming for the bits I haven’t picked up.

While I’ve been programming a few things in Python, I largely just read some python code then wrote some code, and relied on my knowledge of other programming languages to carry me, but I really do need to know how classes work and such…

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Nothing Dr Who related, but I’ve been reading (well listening to audiobooks) through Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere (finished Mistborn, now on Elantris), and Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials (finished the trilogy so reading sidestories and book of dust soon)

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Oooh, Sanderson is on my TBR list for this year. I’ve never actually read any of his works, but I’m a huge fantasy buff and I know his novels are highly rated, so I look forward to finally delving into his books!

His Dark Materials is also a great series and the TV series (made by Bad Wolf!) is wonderful as well.


I like books better than TV in general so I typically find this true across the board, but yeah, Gatiss is a very hit-or-miss writer for me on TV, and I’ve loved both his VNAs and only heard good things about the two PDAs he wrote later! (Although the stories I consider Gatiss’ hits may be different from most people’s, as far and away my favorite is Sleep No More)


I absolutely love His Dark Materials, I’ve read it a few times. I haven’t read the Book of Dust yet.

As @MrColdStream said, the TV adaptation made by Bad Wolf is great too. And a big connection to Doctor Who as it’s now Bad Wolf making the new show :smile:


The TV adaptation is amazing. I was in bits at the end. I too have yet to read The Book of Dust series.


Finished Catastrophea. Going to write a proper review for my blog but somewhere in the book is a decent, if unremarkable, Doctor Who story. But it’s got way too many characters, none of whom manage to develop beyond two dimensions. And there’s literally no reason for the Draconians to be in it as Dicks does nothing with them!

On to The Last Dodo, but probably also Ready Player One as a colleague leant it to me.


Having just finished Cat’s Cradle: Witch Mark, I have begun Invasion of the Cat People and the quick read Revenge of the Judoon.


I am reading the Target novel of Day of the Doctor. It is a fun adaptation. I just can’t remember chapter 9


I love the Day of the Doctor novelization! The way it messes with narration and the whole first person vs third person thing is very fun to me. I love novelizations that take advantage of their medium (The Giggle’s novelization is very good at that too)


I completely agree that Day of the Doctor and The Giggle are really good at using the medium and the different perspectives. I think that this is how you write a modern adaptation where if not all but almost all of the readers have seen the episode. I understand that older ones have different purposes but this is the perfect style for newer ones.


Yes - Paul Cornell slipped that into Revelation!

The New Whovian Chronicles (featuring the lost doctor - the Kris Marshall incarnation - if only!) Then I’ll join in with the Book Club for the NSA’s - I’m already ahead of it on the VNA’s

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