So this site is nearly a year old now and you want to tell me there were NO Jago & Litefoot discussion threat?! Well there is now. You are welcome, but I kinda want to convince people to start listening to this spin-off about these two brilliant people.
I still haven’t seen the original TV episode where they appeared (The Talons of Weng-Chiang), but have listened to their pilot episode called The Mahogany Murderers recently and today I actually started their real Big-Finish audio spin-off with The Bloodless Soldier.
I would like to also dedicate this thread for the memory of Christopher Benjamin and Trevor Baxter.
So I have no idea how a thread like this works but I would recommend for everyone to go and watch The Talons of Weng-Chiang if you haven’t already and tell me about your favourite and not so favourite bits of the tale.
EDIT: I thought I did say some words about the poll but guess not- anywho just a vote for The Talons of Weng-Chiang on a scale of 10.
I am slowly working my way through the Jago & Litefoot audios, but stuff, shenanigans and more likely other audios get in the way 
I am up to season 7, but it has been sitting ready on my phone for a couple of months now.
Could you perhaps say a couple of words on what we are supposed to be voting for? 
Never experienced any of their stories, but I want to get Jago & Litefoot & Strax because…
I am a bit trepidatious about getting to that season because…

Thanks for pointing it out- edited the post! But kinda was thinking of doing a thing like TV Club or any of the clubs do and open a vote for an episode for every week.
I’m really curious about their range in Big Finish (listened to none of their stories yet) so some months ago I searched for some posts about it here in the forum.
Honestly, I don’t think it’s very well liked by this community overall, which surprised given I only heard good things prior to engaging in the forum.
The audios, I think, are good. However, they are not for me. I find Talons deadly deadly boring and I have listened to the J&L audios with Leela in (guess why lmao) and they just didn’t do it for me. I’m not much one for Victoriana in general an the J&L team never caught my interest tbh
I really don’t like Talons but their spinoff is one of my favorite BF ranges. They’re such a great double act and I also really like Ellie, they have a really good dynamic with the 6th doctor which is better than their dynamic with 4 imo. More stories with them and Leela are also great, I wish we could have seen how they’d have reacted to Narvin.
We will probably do an Audio Club Extra proper for at least a couple of series in the new future so maybe keep this is as a general discussion thread for the illustrious intrepid investigators of the inexplicable and incongruous,