Welcome to Brauman Inc.
We are a company owned by Loxor Brauman and have dedicated our time to creating public time travel.
(Part of the @UnitTimeOperator Doctor Who ARG)
Welcome to Brauman Inc.
We are a company owned by Loxor Brauman and have dedicated our time to creating public time travel.
(Part of the @UnitTimeOperator Doctor Who ARG)
Welcome? I think?
What are you doing here?
Brauman Inc?
As in, the liars @UnitTimeOperator warned us about?
We are not liars
Keith Pike says differently.
Then what’s your version of the truth?
What do you mean “Welcome”? @BraumanInc has been here for more than a decade. Just not all in a row.
Where did you get that information?
Oh, it’s in their 2035 Annual Corporate Earnings Report. They accidentally left it here next month.
And how did you get to next month?
The holidays always stressed me out too much, so I got in the habit of just skipping past them.