Website Development Diary

Added all the collectables for The Lucy Wilson Mysteries.

There are lots of references and callbacks in that series and I feel like the Wiki doesn’t do it justice. Need someone to read them and report back (plus page numbers). Feel like it might be a job for a parent, maybe @Tian? :smiley:


Fun fact - Coda, the last of these, curtailed a storyline which was originally supposed to feature the Zygons but was ended when the Radio Times decided not to continue the strip.


I’ve just rated this. Where’s the Radio Times comic strip badge?

For anyone interested in reading and rating all of these - including Captain Pugwash (I’m not sure why it was included - it’s literally three panels - and the only Doctor Who related one is the image on the website!) then visit this site:

Captain Pugwash is here:

Colony in Space is here: (again - though - it’s literally the image on TARDIS Guide)

The Eighth Doctor strips are all on Internet Archive:


Done lots of work today, but not any of it will be visible to you - I’m preparing for the new redesign! It’s ages away yet but I’m putting things into place…

Fixed a few issues with some characters @deltaandthebannermen added to the site, then realised I had “Clara Oswald” as a character in Asylum of the Daleks - er nope, so I fixed that.

Added a new “Content Type” filter (need a better name?) to the Search Results Page so you can more easily filter between Characters, Stories, and Collectables. This was discussed because Tian was searching for Daleks.

Then I realised that “The Daleks”, probably the most important Dalek story, wasn’t showing up in search results so now I’m trying to figure out why… the search plugin is really not co-operating so I’m thinking of changing it… ugh…

(Sometimes you can spend hours working on the site with not much to show for it)


Well, technically Clara is a character in every Doctor Who episode…

And absolutely, working on backend things, you can end up putting in a lot of work with very little being visible. It pays off in the long run, though.


OK I’ve totally replaced the search engine in the backend of the site (from a very expensive, premium plugin which I guess I assumed was the best, to a much simpler one) and… wow! It’s all working. Fancy that.

If you’re reading this, please have a play and let me know if there are any issues.

(Things like “the Daleks” not returning that one story first will never be solved, simply because there are just so many stories mentioning the Daleks. But for all my testing, it’s really good so far!)


Tested it a little bit and seems much better!



And I’m doing a big import shortly, so July will be a pretty good month for imports :smiley:


Good job. It is nice to have you at a computer and not lost at sea.


Added the Tenth Doctor comics from Doctor Who Adventures, then noticed I only needed 1 more story to make this match March’s month of imports, so I imported a Comic Creator comic as well :smiley:



I did know that this story would be good for something :joy:


Trouble with dark mode, I’m afraid!


Got a bit carried away - I was going to stop at that nice neat number but thought what the heck, let’s keep going!!

And @ThetaSigmaEarChef added the DWM Special Editions to the spreadsheet, which means I can tick loads more off!

Added everything from the Doctor Who Magazine Short Stories import, plus more comics & prose related to the special editions.

354 this month! :tada:

OK I’ll stop for today now.


Fixed, thanks for pointing it out.

(Here’s a little sneak preview: the new site design will be dark mode only. That will fix these pesky problems!)


I don’t think I did much work on those - mighta been Doctor Delta?
Anyway, woohoo! More stories on the guide is always a good thing!


Not me this time although I do need to finish the Pertwee and Baker strips as promised!


OK, I thought I checked the history on the spreadsheet, but at this point I have no idea who is doing what, they just appear ready to go and I am loving it :tada:


I’ve added two new filters:

You can now filter to show only stories that have reviews, or that do not have reviews. You can also sort by number of reviews.

There is also a new, test version of an “exclude characters” filter, needs a bit of improvement but it works!


I see it also says how many reviews a story has - is that new?


Yep! I was getting annoyed at having to click “Reviews” each time to see if there were any, when I was testing out the new feature :smiley:

By the way the new site design has everything on one long page, no need to click little tabs and wait for it to load, which I think is much better.