Don’t think anyone expected to see a review from me anytime soon, considering my indefinate hiatus, but this has been lying round on my SSD for a while.
So, you ever tried Venusian cuisine?
They say it’s great brain food!
Get it? No?
My talent is wasted on you people…
My review of ‘Venusian Lullaby’ is now available to read.
#003. Venusian Lullaby
If you enjoy reading these reviews, do feel free to drop them a like - I’m working towards those illustrious reviewer badges.
A great review but not a book I have any love for and one I remember struggling with at the time. Too much ‘strange alien culture with unpronounceable names’ for my liking.
(Also, good to have you back, however briefly).
Yeah, those keyboard-sneeze names really did present a problem. I do think it needed a lot more editing.
Confession time, I only came back on my PC to check my emails, cause I’m blind as a bat trying to look at my phone.
This is the definition of yet another flying visit.
The premise of this novel interests a lot, bit I can’t see myself reading it in the near future. So many other stories I can actually finish 
So it’s really nice to have your detailed (as always) review on the site. I can always comeback and see if I’ll read this one when I can read a bit faster in English