TV Time - (but not Doctor Who!)

the Thrilling Adventure Hour was SUCH a favorite with my family when it was on, my moms got the “concert film” dvd they put out somewhere… oh Paul F Tompkins how we love you

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It’s such a stacked cast. Paul F, Marc Evan Jackson, Busy Philips, Paget Brewster, Jon DiMaggio and so many more that make you go ‘Oh that person’.

Shame their back catalogue is now behind a pay wall.

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Just watched the first episode of the last series (:sob:) of Inside No 9 - absolutely chilling and an amazing cast!


I really need to catch up on IN9 some time, that show has some absolutely brilliant episodes and I’m behind by a few series

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I’m going to do a complete rewatch once this series has finished. There are so many episodes where I have completely forgotten the plot/twist.

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Not TV particularly, but on youtube, there’s a channel called Unlimited Lives, and they’d previously done a series of video reviews of Voyager, renamed halfway through as “Star Trek Voyager reviewed (by a pedant)”. (They had a term other than pedant there initially…)

They’ve now started doing Deep Space 9, and I’ve been watching those. They are humorous reviews, but can also be fairly insightful at times. The one I just watched was this one:

(I’ve also watched half of the Voyager ones, and the reason I haven’t watched all of them is because I’m not watching anything past the point I’m currently at in the series.)


I need to do a DS9 rewatch


I do, too, really, but sometime in the last few years, I rewatched all of season one, so that season is still somewhat fresh in my memory. Only didn’t go further because I was juggling that, Voyager, and Discovery at the time.

(In fact, the funny thing is that trying to watch Discovery pushed me forward on watching Voyager, because a couple episodes in, I needed a break and was going “you know, killing half the crew in the beginning was done better in Voyager”, and switched to that for a while…)


Been watching Lego Master Australia season 1 on Tubi. Nice break from everything else.


Yesterday marks 14 years since Lost ended. I really like that show especially the first season. I still think that it had the best Pilot episodes of any TV show I have seen.


I really liked Lost but it disappeared off our terrestrial TV stations around Season 3 and 4 and went to Sky or somewhere so we never ever finished it. I read enough to know I think I’d have got annoyed by the later seasons.

But you’re right, that pilot episode was amazing.


Oh yes I loved Lost! I watched it at uni with my housemates and then when I met my now-husband I made him watch it all with me to catch up and then we finished it together.

It was such a great show to theorise about and had so many twists and turns.

But yeah the ending was :-1:


Yeah, the theories were fun. A lot of fun discussions online during that time.


I loved the ending of Lost. I found it very satisfying.

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I’ve had a tiring couple of days. I’m taking a break from Who this weekend. I’m currently watching NYPD Blue. Its comfort watching for me.


My 12 year old son has a thing for pre-MCU Marvel Movies and series, so he’s just bought the complete Incredible Hulk series from 1977.
80 episodes and 5 movies!

He wants to watch them all with me. Two movies and one episode in at the moment, this is going to take a while…



Haha. Sounds like a great kid.


Sure is :grin:
He keeps laughing at the effects when Banner changes into the Hulk. Can’t wait to show him some classic Who :wink:


Your kid ha great taste! I would love to watch those also (big Marvel fan, and there’s something charming about those 20th-century TV and movie productions, such as the failed 90s Fantastic Four movie).

The real question here is this: is the Hulk TV show betyer or worse (as in, more or less watchable) than K9??


I am happy that I can watch some semi-interesting stuff like Amazing Spidy and Ducktales with my oldest and not just Blippi and Pepa Pig. But can’t wait until we can watch real stuff like that. But she is 4.5 years old and I think I have to wait some more time.