TV Club: New Earth

And people mock “Space Babies”? I think “New Earth” and “Space Babies” have a lot of common DNA, though for me “Space Babies” is the tidier of the two in a number of respects. Both deal with potentially weighty issues in a generally very lighthearted story, both have a clinical setting and both are among RTDs less fondly remembered stories.

Personally, I have real admiration for the themes covered in “New Earth” (particularly the focus on animal experimentation) but the execution leaves much to be desired. I can enjoy the episode, but it is objectively not good. That AND I echo thoughts expressed by a number of you about the beginnings of the suffocating smugfest between Ten and Rose that weighs heavy over this season as a whole.

I guess it’ll be an unpopular opinion, but I’d much rather watch “Space Babies”. :wink:


I would sit and watch Space Babies with you over New Earth every single time!
That should not be an unpopular opinion :wink:

The Nanny filter was an amazing humourous device!


Now imagine if “New Earth” had been done in RTD2, and was instead called “Cat Nuns!”. :stuck_out_tongue:


Me too! I take Space Babies over New Earth any day!

Well said, this is also how I see it. Good themes here, but they are drowned under so much underwhelming stuff that it’s easy to overlook the good aspects of the script.


Ah, such common sense opinions from @BillFiler and @MrColdStream ! Yes indeed! I’m glad you agree. Plus, the relationship between Fifteen and Ruby… so much more enjoyable to watch than Ten and Rose.

Another thing I can never quite get over: On “New Earth” who has been cutting and styling the hair of the experimental subjects? Who has been shaving them? :thinking: No such concerns with the Bogeyman!


Fifteen and Ruby give off “Best Friends Shenanigans Vibes” whereas 10 and Rose give off “Better-than-though Oversaturated Smugness Vibes”…

I know which one I prefer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Despite how much I think New Earth gets wrong, not sure I can get behind watching Space Babies over it.

Space Babies made me want to tear my eyes out, New Earth just made me cringe a little.

Still, both are surprisingly similar when you think about it.


I’m not sure I want to pick either - can I have The End of the World instead? :rofl: All three of those RTD episodes 1’s have a lot in common, but unfortunately neither New Earth nor Space Babies do it for me. Though I do agree with you that New Earth wants to do something interesting thematically, however a lot of that gets lost under the Cassandra stuff and the unbearability of Ten and Rose


But … The End of the World is episode 2! You should compare it to Tooth and Claw or The Devil’s Chord!


Can I have the Ghost Monument then?

No! War of the Sontarans :grin:


It’s still a space based first adventure, and it feels unfair to compare new earth or space babies to Rose


You know what I actually forgot Rose existed :rofl::rofl: I’ll just watch The Eleventh Hour again, now that is a banger


If we’re picking a space-based RTD first episode, Smith and Jones all the way!


If it is just the RTD-penned season openers listed then:

  • Partners in Crime
  • Smith and Jones
  • Space Babies
  • Rose
  • New Earth
  • The Star Beast (the 60th Specials were just a mini-series of Doctor Who right?)

Here’s my ranking, and I’m realising just how few openers I actually enjoy.

  • Smith and Jones
  • Rose
    (At this point, I stop liking the episodes)
  • Partners in Crime
  • New Earth
  • The Star Beast
  • Space Babies

Since we are doing a ranking of the RTD penned openers, might as well join in

  • Smith and Jones
  • Partners in Crime
  • Rose
    (okay, that’s all I enjoyed to some extent, now to the ones that just dont do it for me!)
  • Space Babies
  • New Earth
  • The Star Beast

Ooh, I love ranking things :grin:

  1. Smith and Jones
  2. The Star Beast
  3. Partners in Crime
  4. Rose
  5. Space Babies
  6. New Earth

I enjoy most of these but New Earth doesn’t do anything for me—and all put together, they are a little same-ey!


Okay, I’ll do this too.

  • Partners in Crime
  • Smith and Jones
  • New Earth
  • Rose
  • The Star Beast
  • Space Babies

OK, I’ll join in too. My order is a little different:

1st The Star Beast: Yeah, don’t mind admitting that I unashamedly love this one. Big shot of nostalgia, the Meep was a joy and I’m a sucker for a good old fashioned UNIT versus aliens action sequence.

2nd Partners in Crime: One of the funniest. The Doctor and Donna have such a dynamic chemistry. It’s pure feel good, comfort Who and I love it for that.

3rd Smith and Jones: DT really on form, funny concepts, a great new alien species in the Judoon. Martha’s intro is a blast from start to finish, and very different as companion debuts go.

4th Space Babies: See, I do love me a good snot monster! :smiley: i genuinely feel this is underrated and am completely sold on both Ncuti’s Doctor and Millie as Ruby. Fun, fast and utterly bonkers. It… just makes me smile!

5th Rose: The one that started it all. Some wonderful stuff. A creepy start in the Hendricks basement. Sublime dialogue too, but suffers from the Keith Boak effect a little for me (tonally, at times, not quite right).

6th New Earth: As I said above, some weighty themes and nice ideas but… much in it that doesn’t work. It’s the one real misfire here for me.


I am very much of the opinion that, whilst he had high points early on, it isn’t until the second half of Series Two that DT consistently knocks his performance out of the park (and I say that as someone who loves his Doctor - when he’s good, he’s sublimely good). I feel it is series 3 onwards where we hit peak 10.