TV Club: Dalek

In a word, fantastic! Probably my favourite episode featuring those pesky pepperpots. The set up of their appearance is great, & Eccleston is just firing on all cylinders here with a brilliant performance in every scene, that really sells how terrifying the Daleks are to new audiences. & how terrifying the Doctor can be - “Your race is dead! You all burnt, all of you. Ten million ships on fire. The entire Dalek race wiped out in one second…I watched it happen. I made it happen”. & then he tortures it (later being tortured himself). He goes through so many emotions in this one.

Eccletson he has said that his father was ill during filming & he took out his anger on the Dalek. That first appearance of the Dalek, so well directed. & when the inevitable happens we have a lethal alien killing machine doing what it does best against an unprepared human opponent. The interactions with Rose not jut between her & the Dalek but her & the Doctor - does she even really know this man? - another standout performance here from Billie, where not only the viewer but the Doctor sees a different side to the Daleks, a possibility of something more maybe? There’s a lot crammed into 45 minutes here but its all so well paced. Love it.