TV Club: Boom Town

Just a reminder that for fans of Annette Badland, this rather fun audio is set between World War Three and Boom Town.


Oh and it’s with Suzie Costello! :grin:
That sounds amazing!


That’s one more audio to add to my neverending watchlist (listenlist? Sounds wrong :joy:).


Was no one paying attention to me in the WW3 thread when I last mentioned this audio? :wink:


No. We were too distracted by all the farting.

(I’m truly sorry. I might’ve skimmed through most of the responses and missed your previous recommendation).


Sometimes the small stories are the truly great ones. “Boom Town” was such a story for me. In short, I agree with most of the positive things already said above. :wink:

Here’s a little more detailed breakdown of some of the parts I liked:

  1. Rose and Mickey’s Dynamic: I loved the (for a scifi tv show) relatively realistic dynamic between Rose and Mickey. It’s refreshing to see a reversal of typical male/female relationship portrayals. At this point in the series, Rose is like the sailor with suitors all around the world (and time & space), enjoying her life—a role traditionally reserved for male protagonists. I feel that things have improved since the episode first aired, but even so, kudos for portraying a woman simply enjoying her life without undertones of it being morally reprehensible.
  2. Slitheen Representation: I really liked how the Slitheen were portrayed as people rather than monsters. It adds depth to their characters and challenges the usual sci-fi villain tropes.
  3. Eccleston as the Doctor: Christopher Eccleston’s portrayal of the Doctor was brilliant. His mix of seriousness and playfulness is just so good.
  4. Tone: Overall, the episode struck a great balance between fun and earnestness/melancholy.
