So I’m in virgin territory now as I start Series 2. Watched Episode 1: Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang and had a blast. The pre-credit sequence was just a lot of fun. Having only encountered Captain John Hart in the recent Dark Gallifrey War Master trilogy, this is my proper introduction to the character. And he is amazingly fun. I really can’t wait for him to return. We also get a mention of Gray (yes, I know who that is, I’ve read the wiki) and thus the series arc starting early. This was definitely a 5/5 for me, I just had a blast with this one.
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang is definitely where Torchwood seems to come into its own
Don’t get me wrong, I love all of season one, but season two is where I feel they finally figured out what they wanted the show to be and I can understand why a lot of people prefer from then onwards
Happy to see the love for Random Shoes. I completely agree and I never ever got the negativity directed towards this episode. Whether or not it feels like a Torchwood episode (I do see @DispersalPhase’s point) is another debate. However, I’m hugely fond of the episode. Torchwood can do grim and cynical but it’s nice to have a story like this from time to time.
So I watched the first episode of Torchwood this morning.
I watched the odd episode or two as a kid, but I didn’t really understand what was going on.
It’s really good, I miss having on a on-screen universe (i know they’re making a new sereis about the sea devils - but that sounds meh to me)
Torchwood really is great!!! (ignoring all the times it’s bad)
About to watch the second episode of Series 2. The last episode, I watched at the end of September.
So, I’ve just finished Series 2: Episode 2: Sleeper. That was an interesting one. Definitely an interesting concept, you’d think an alien invasion sleeper cell would be more common. It had a slow first half and I was finding myself kinda bored. But then it picked up in the second half. Definitely some interesting ideas. Also, I think that’s the hospital exterior from the Eleventh Hour. Not really much else to say on this one.
Watching Episode 3: To the Last Man. Interesting so far. It feels sort of like a Torchwood take on the “one day a year” concept from A Christmas Carol, though this came first. I’m a little surprised that Big Finish hasn’t taken the two Torchwood agents from 1918 (Gerald Kneale and Harriet Derbyshire) and done audios around them as their only other appearance in expanded media is the comic Rift War! (Rift War! · Torchwood Magazine Comics · TARDIS Guide). I found the conversation between Owen and Tosh about getting attached was rather sweet, and a building off previous caracter beats for Owen from last season. The little conversation between the two at the end was nice too. In the end, I really enjoyed this one. This is the kind of thing, small personal stories, that Torchwood excells at and that I don’t think would work as well in Doctor Who proper. Not that Doctor Who couldn’t do something like this, but I don’t think it would work as well here. Anyway, next week is something more visceral and less heartwarming. Next week, is Meat.
Watched Episode 4: Meat. That was really good. I was expecting it to be more gory and gross than it was. Looking forward to seeing how Rhys fits into Torchwood going forward. The CGI for the creature was noticably CGI, but it wasn’t too terrible. Definitely an episode that gets you in the feels. And we get Matt Ryan as the main villain. A lot of people know him as DC’s John Constantine, whereas I know him as Edward Kenway from Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. Next up, we return to the season arc in “Adam”.
Meat really is a solid episode, and then Adam after it, season two really is great
I loved Adam. Bryan Dick was everywhere on TV at the time.