"Torchwood: Aliens Among Us 1" by James Goss, Juno Dawson and AK Benedict - REVIEW

So, in anticipation of listening to and reviewing Alien Among Us 2, I’ve moved my reviews of Aliens Among Us 1 from The Time Scales to TARDIS Guide. The first boxset was… fine. It didn’t leave much impression on me but the following sets look a lot more interesting so I’m very excited to work through them.

What are the general opinions on this set? I didn’t love it but I’m wondering if I’m alone on that front.

1.1 - Changes Everything by James Goss:
A relatively serviceable remake of Everything Changes that does a solid job introducing the range’s characters but faulters on plot - 8/10

Torchwood: Aliens Among Us #1.1 - “Changes Everything” by James Goss

1.2 - Aliens & Sex & Chips & Gravy by James Goss
An incredibly irritating wild goose chase around Cardiff where Gwen and Mr. Colchester are lumped with two of the most annoying characters I’ve ever had the displeasure of experiencing - 5/10

Torchwood: Aliens Among Us #1.2 - “Aliens & Sex & Chips & Gravy” by James Goss

1.3 - Orr by Juno Dawson:
Introduces one of the best characters of the range but still relatively dull on plot, consisting of mostly drawn out conversations - 7/10

Torchwood: Aliens Among Us #1.3 - “Orr” by Juno Dawson

1.4 - Superiority Complex by AK Benedict
Easily my favourite of the set, a fun murder mystery in a high-tech alien hotel that shows off the best of our cast; a great way to end the first part of Aliens Among Us - 8/10

Torchwood: Aliens Among Us #1.4 - “Superiority Complex” by AK Benedict

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