Top Three Eccleston stories

With his tenure being limited to a single season, I thought we’d go for top 3 here rather than top 5.

He’s not my favourite Doctor by a long stretch, but there’s always lots to enjoy with any era. Here are my top 3:

  1. The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances
  1. Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways
  1. Father’s Day

3. Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways
2. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
1. Dalek


Mmmm I think my favourites would be:
1- The Empty Child
2- The end of the world (This story convinced me to jump head first into this series, I love it)
3- Bad Wolf


I think I preferred The End of the World to Rose at the time. Something about Rose felt a bit off (and knowing now about the production problems on that episode and the issues surrounding Keith Boak, now I think that might be something to do with it).

I wasn’t a huge fan of The Empty Child until my recent rewatch but it is head and shoulders above the rest of the season in many ways - and Nancy is the greatest companion we never had.


Rose is pretty good, it’s a good start, but comparing it to The End of the World… The scenery of the Earth, so many races united, the Doctor talking about his planet even a little bit and the last human.
It was a better chapter for me in many ways and I appreciate it for making me like Eccleston.


It’s Christopher Eccleston’s birthday today so giving this thread a little bump.


Empty child/The Doctor dances are definitely my favorite Ninth Doctor episodes

I love love love Nine, my favourites are probably:

The End of the World
Boom Town
Parting of the Ways

but I have watched them all a million times, I think he is so brilliant as the Doctor

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It’s a difficult question because the Ninth Doctor’s series was almost flawless in its execution.

I’d say my top three are:

  1. The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances
  2. Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways
  3. Dalek

I definitely need to rewatch the era because my overwhelming memory is of loving it because it was New Doctor Who but, in the years since my enthusiasm for it has considerably waned to the point where I’d struggle to enthuse about any of the stories (although my rewatch of The Empty Child helped considerably.

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We are like opposites - I’ve watched & rewatched all of the Revival so many times and love it all, you’re the same but for Classic :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I don’t remember much about the Ninth Doctor era, it has been more than a year since I watched it, so here’s my top 3 anyway:

  1. Dalek
  2. Father’s Day
  3. The Unquiet Dead

P.S.: You know what? I think I’ll do a rewatch of all of NuWho after I complete the Classic era.


Im going to use this thread to highlight my 3 favourite Eccleston Audio Dramas so far:

  1. Auld Lang Syne
  2. Station to Station
  3. Fright Motif

I really need to listen to more of 9s audios

No worries - but you are more than welcome to start an 9th Doctor Audios thread in the audio section and I’m happy to move this across if you do.

I’ve only heard Ravagers which was…okay…but I’ve heard good things about the later sets.

It might be easier for me with a top 4 lol.

  1. Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
  2. The End of the World
  3. Father’s Day
  4. The Long Game
  1. Father’s Day
  2. Boom Town
  3. Dalek
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  1. The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances
  2. The Bad Wolf / Parting of Ways
  3. Dalek

Honorable mention to Boomtown. Haven’t gotten a chance to listen to the audios yet, but as far as the show is concerned there’s not an Eccleston story I dislike.


The Book Club is tackling the Eccleston novels at the moment if you want to join in the discussion there.

  1. Dalek
  2. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
  3. Father’s Day

“Dalek” and “The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances” are two of my all-time favourite stories, so they’re easy picks. “Father’s Day” isn’t quite on the same level for me, but it’s still a great episode – the cutting way Eccleston said “just another stupid ape” really sticks in my mind.

I’ve listened to one of the 9DA audio sets (the first one, Ravagers) and I enjoyed it even though the plot was hard to follow :sweat_smile: I keep intending to listen to more, considering the consensus is that the later ones were better. Haven’t done so yet, though!