Fair enough. I think one of the reasons I liked The Tenth Planet is the soft spot I have for the Cybermen, they’re my favourite recurring monsters.
I also have a soft spot for the original Cybermen
Mine too. And they’re the best bit of the story. But there’s way too much time on the same set, the astronauts plot line is a bit tiresome (and very static) and we lose the Doctor again.
They really are the best design.
Sorry if this is derailing the topic but did anyone else find when watching Classic Who that the Cybermen barely ever even talk about Upgrading people? They just shoot them?
New who Cybermen really are obsessed with that
The Cybermen in the classic series more or less ended up being glorified robots. The upgrading thing only gets forefronted in Attack of the Cybermen.
I also quite enjoy them. It’s definitely an interesting read, even if I don’t always agree with what’s said.
Big Finish has brought back the Monk, first in the Eighth Doctor/Lucie adventures played by Graham Garden and then more recently with Rufus Hound who’s excellent.
Having just come off watching the entire First Doctor era for the first time and reviewing all the stories, this would have to be my ranking
Marco Polo is easily my favorite historical and favorite episode from this era and the Tenth Planet succeeds at being a great story with great characters, a great introduction to the Cybermen, and a great regeneration story.
The Dalek stories of this era are all amazing and each of them has the Daleks presented as a menacing force (with The Chase just being really funny)
It’s been a LONG time since I watched this era in full, but some of the stories I come back to constantly.
Sadly, the story that takes first place is completely missing and has I believe the least amount of telesnaps. I would LOVE for ‘The Massacre’ to be animated.
The rest of the placements are pretty straightforward.
2- The War Machines
3- The Aztecs
4- The Romans
5- The Dalek Invasion of Earth
Honourable Mention- The Gunfighters
My current top 5 (subject to change after rewatches) is:
- The Dalek Invasion of Earth
- The Tenth Planet
- The Aztecs
- The Time Meddler
- The Savages
The Daleks, The Crusade, The War Machines and The Romans barely miss out on the Top 5 for me.
Hard Call, I know for certain that my number one pick would be “The Daleks Masterplan”, followed by The Massacre.
Besides that, not really sure, I’d say The Time Meddler is an easy pick, same would go to The Aztecs. And one pick, probably nobody would choose, but I absolutely enjoy: The Smugglers.
Honorable Mentions goes to The Romans, which is just wonderful fun. The War Machine is also a good one. And I also enjoy the Crusade and Marco Polo, even if both for me works better in their Novelization.
So far for me it’s:
- The Aztecs
- The Romans
- The Time Meddler
- The Dalek Invasion of Earth
- Marco Polo
My favorite era and favorite Doctor!! (Well, tied with McCoy and his era, but I reserve the right to say that about both of them if I feel like it, lol)
My top five Hartnell stories are:
1: The Tenth Planet
2: The Dalek Invasion of Earth
3: The Gunfighters
4: The Daleks’ Master Plan
5: The Chase
The Massacre, The Myth Makers, and The Sensorites are also very high up for me
The Sensorites is great…until the last episode. For me it kinda goes off the rails when they find the humans hiding in the sewers.
The Tenth Planet is historic but kinda bland to me.
these aren’t in any particular order, but
- The Rescue (shocking, I know, rip Sandy I’ll love you forever)
- The Romans
- Dalek Invasion of Earth
- Planet of Giants (only now realising how much I like the opening stories of season 2)
- The War Machines
I like this a lot. Simple and direct story with no fluff. Only issue is the Didonians magic-plot appearance.
It is an overlooked gem. Jacqueline Hill kills it in this one.
honestly the sets for that story look incredible. Obviously how an episode looks doesn’t make or break it, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to look as good as Planet of Giants
Yeah there is some really good sets/prop work.