Tiny suggestion for the "sort by" feature

Hello all. Brief idea I had - forgive me if this has been suggested elsewhere - was that, on the “stories” page, it would be ideal to be able to sort by “most recently added”, i.e. most recently added to the guide/catalogue/database.

That way, users can check for older stories that have nonetheless only been added recently (rather than being stuck with the most recent releases); they may have completed these older stories, but not remember until prompted (or they might have searched for them previously, but had no success in finding them).

Am I making any sense? I only suggest as much so I can keep up with when the SJA Alien Files are added to the site and hence keep my Clyde Langer stats in shape. :call_me_hand:

(This is all entirely moot, of course, if I’ve misunderstood the “newest first” feature, and that actually does refer to the most recent additions rather than the publication date. In which case, feel free to ostracize me, Curse of Clyde Langer style.)


This already exists. If you go to “Filter and Sort” then click “Customize filters” at the bottom, you can choose which specific filters you want. “Added to site” is one of them.


We do have a filter for that, more or less


Fab, thanks @CommanderBayban and @AlfieSigma :saluting_face: