Things I Thought About As I Fell by K_it_ _ik_s

There was a loud alarm and I felt like I began to disobey gravity. I felt like I was floating and falling at the same time. I could hear crashing and screaming as blue light overwhelmed my vision. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was text flashing up on every screen. ‘RIFT IMPLODING

I’m guessing you’ve never seen time. Time, as I thought before I joined UNIT, is a concept. But I saw time and everything as I fell, I fell through everything and time. I could see my birth and death, the beginning of time and when the final star would cease to be. And through and through, there was a wheezing, groaning, thrumming noise that sounded like it was from an ancient, yet young machine all at the same time.

Then I heard a computerised voice saying, ‘Brauman Inc. trust us with your time.’

Then all I saw was darkness, and I could see nothing.


It keeps getting more and more mysterious…