Theoretical: What Stories to adapt for the Cushing-verse

(Going to put it in Television, because that sort of the closet, even through its Movies).
I am sure some of you heard of the Peter Cushing Dalek Movies (the second prominently featured Bernard Cribbins even!) I will say while I prefer the original televised Stories to both, I will say the concept of an alternative Doctor taking out the classical Adventure in shorter form is quite intriguing.
So that being said, which Stories (regardless of Medium) would you like to see Peter Cushings Dr.Who in, if they continued to do them (I know they probably would have adapted the Chase but limiting it to solely Daleks Stories would be a bit dull).


Tomb of the Cybermen fits the style of the Cushing movies. You could ‘movie’ it up a bit with a larger base etc. The Sensorites could work too.


10th Planet or The Invasion would be my first thoughts, I definitely think a cyberman story would be the next to go for if you’re not going for The Chase


The Web Planet would definitely benefit from being movie’d up a bit too


Great choice! I think you could do a lot with that Setting, and it would be a lovely choice for a Cybermen Story. The Sensorites is a wildcard I will say, I would be curious to see that but especially since it has the Doctor already more as Scientist, I think it could work, especially if they streamline some aspects that come later at play


Yeah, I like your thinking! I think the Invasion would work a tiny bit better since that one has already a big more scale to it, which fits perfectly for a feature picture!


The War Machines would work, and WOTAN even says “Doctor Who is required”…


The Sensorites.

Have the Doctor and 2 female companions. 1 companion is with a crew member on the ship. They can be hiding/avoiding a Sensorite. On the planet, the Doctor and other companion are helping with the water problem. Companion from ship comes to planet and falls in with the saboteurs. The rest writes itself.


I think I’d probably go The Invasion too (or Tomb, but @ItsR0b0tNinja took that already), but threw 10th planet out there given it’s a 1st doctor story, and would also mean we get a complete live action version of it, however different


I think the Tenth Planet has a problem of it not having enough meat on it to translate to a film. It’s basically set on 1 set. The only thing that could expand it is if they somehow went to Mondas for some reason.


@turnoftheearth Honestly that might be my favorite out of the suggestion so far, as charming as the original serial is, a cinematic approach to it may benefit it. I’d wonder if they extended their reach away from only Dalek stories if they may have adapted that one, since if I recall correctly it has some of the biggest viewings figures for the show at that moment in time.

@SweetAIBelle Now we know who WOTAN truly meant! :laughing: But seriously that one could work pretty good, I’d say, especially the shot with Cushing Doctor in that case facing the camera, while everybody else runs away


I keep being tempted to buy these which started by novelising the movies and then expanding the Cushing Doctor’s adventures to adaptations of other classic series stories like The Ice Warriors and The Tenth Planet.


I was about to suggest these! I have them all but have yet to read them all, been thinking of trying to between other books.


I’d love to know what they’re like. Maybe we need to rush @shauny into adding them to the site so you can review them :smiley:


These look like a lot of fun! I’d love to hear Big Finish’s take on a movie series, maybe giving us shorter, snappier adaptations of missing episodes or adventures. The Dalek Masterplan might compress nicely once all the padding’s taken out.


You could always send me a spreadsheet :wink:

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Maybe I will… :wink:

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I really want those too. The only thing that stopped me scarfing them up was cost (book price is not an issue, but shipping across the pond…yuck).

If I could ever get hold of them at the right price, though…