Anyone familiar with my reviews will know that I take every opportunity to praise the magnificent Joe Lidster: undoubtedly my favourite BigFinish writer.
My review of ‘The Siege of Big Ben’ is now available to read.
#8.06. The Siege of Big Ben
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I thought this story was brilliant, Camille was hilarious as Jackie telling her friend all the gossip, including top secret details about UNIT 
And as I said on Twitter, I agree with you that we need a Jackie boxset NOW!
Can we just have a “Diary of River Song” style set where Jackie finds herself meeting all the Big Finish regulars, bumping into them in funny circumstances and just ends up complaining about it all? I’d love that.
Jackie Tyler gets trapped in the Divergent Universe for one set and finds herself having a couple of adventures alongside 8, Charley and C’rizz.
Jackie becomes a materal figure to C’rizz and causes the timelines to split, meaning he never perishes.
Thus begins a new Unbound box set!
Jackie and Twelve for a boxset.