The Nest Cottage Chronicles

From 2009 to 2011, before he joined up with Big Finish, Tom Baker returned to the role of the Fourth Doctor in three series of audio dramas from BBC Audio and AudioGO. All written by Paul Magrs, these three series, Hornets’ Nest, Demon Quest and Serpent Crest, center around Nest Cottage and give the Doctor two companions in the form of housekeeper Mrs. Wibbsey (played by Susan Jameson) and an older Mike Yates. What are your thoughts on these? Where they any good? Should elements be brought back by Big Finish? Discussions and rants are welcome.


I heard Nest Cottage mentioned and I was summoned…

I adore these stories. I find them so, so fun. Definitely not your standard Doctor Who fare, not even your standard Paul Magrs fare, but laced through with his unique and exuberant use of language. The stories themselves aren’t actually particularly special, but it’s the way they’re told, with such glee and enthusiasm, that makes them exciting.

Of the tales, A Shard of Ice and Aladdin Time stand out as my favourites, that last one being a wonderful romp about the power of stories.

I’m not actually a particularly fan of Tom Baker as the Doctor—he’s certainly not one of my favourite Classic Doctors. These stories are absolutely the exceptions. Nest Cottage’s eccentric, half-retired Doctor is delightful, and Mrs Wibbsey is an absolutely inspired creation! She’s perfect. Basically, I love these :joy: They’re so full of joy and adventure, and more adjectives than you can shake a stick at!

Also, the Bafflegab series Baker’s End, which stars Tom Baker as a giant cat is basically Nest Cottage turned up to 11, and it’s glorious.


I heard Nest Cottage and I was also summoned…

I utterly loathe these with a passion. They are, in my opinion, one of the worst things put out under the banner of Doctor Who.

Tom Baker is playing Tom Baker. He isn’t playing the Fourth Doctor. It allows him to accentuate what I’ve always seen as his worst qualities as an actor.

I do quite like Mrs Wibbsey, I’ll admit, but that name just sort of sums up the entire series. I like silly. I’ll take silly but this is just, nah, too much. It delights in being ‘whimsical’ but forgets to actually be accessible.

I’m glad this series has it’s fans but it’s something I never actually purchased - got the entire first series for free with a newspaper giveaway and, unless I saw them for 50p in a charity shop, I’ll never spend any money on it whatsoever!


I see your opinion and I respect it. I don’t agree, but I respect it! :joy:


I love how I only get two replies and one is “it’s awesome” and the other is “it’s awful”. :laughing:


Second question, where would you place these within the Fourth Doctor’s timeline? Andrew Kearley, in his Eyespider timeline, sets these between Seasons 15 and 16 and before Big Finish’s FDA Series 8. Meanwhile the Tardis Wiki timeline sets them between Seasons 17 and 18 after Sharon’s DWM departure. Normally, Kearley and the wiki generally with minimal variance but with this there’s two seasons’ difference so I wanted your opinions.


I think I’d agree with Kearley there and set them after Leela’s departure. That being said, someone online—I can’t remember where, unfortunately—suggested that given the domestic nature of the setting, this Doctor could be a younger Curator. It’s quite canon-weldy but I love that idea!


I plan on listening to them fairly soon (I only ever listened to Serpent Crest years ago when I first got into Who) and see if I can determine any more definitive placement. I do kind of like the idea of this being the Curator.


Seeing as I’m probably the only fan who #hottake rolled his eyes when Tom appeared on screen in Day of the Doctor, I’m more than happy for the Nest Cottage ‘Doctor’ to be the Curator because I thought that idea was rubbish too.

Ooh, I’m feeling rebellious today!


I haven’t listened to Nest Cottage Chronicles, but I did listen to the two BBC original audios that were sequels to them (The Thing From the Sea and The Winged Coven). They are on my list to aquire, as I can get them for much cheaper than Big Finish, and Mrs. Wibbsey intrigues me.