The Mystery of the Alien Delegates

TV Club’s recent look at Mission to the Unknown reminded me of the detective work a number of fans, including Jacqueline Rayner, have undertaken to try and work out which alien delegate is which is Mission to the Unknown and The Daleks’ Master Plan.

This blog, which is by Jac Rayner, is a fascinating piece of work:

So, who do you think is who? Who’s your favourite?


Interesting article. The only one I know is the ‘Polka Dot Guy,’ who is called Malpha. I always found it frustrating that the alien delegates in Master Plan look very different from the ones in Mission, despite supposedly being the same aliens.

My favourite is probably the one I like to vall ‘Finger Face’ (Celation?) because he looks silly, or Sentreal, who looks like a comic book villain.


And here, you see, is the rub.

Malpha, as far as I understand it is the guy with the lines all over his face. Celation is polka dot guy and Trantis is finger face. I always thought Sentreal was the tree but it seems that not only some of the aliens changed between stories but also who was called what changed too.


Only Doctor Who fans are this obsessed by a bunch of random and mostly unimportant supporting characters from missing TV serials from the 60s :joy:

I love these obsessive parts of the fandom!


There’s a whole sidebar on this in About Time 1.