The Master Appreciation Thread

Oh. I didn’t know that. How tragic :disappointed_relieved:


Yeah, I think at some point, I was curious what he’d done since, since it’d have been interesting if he would have reprised the role, and found that out. He was apparently pursuing a career boxing before that…


Yeah that must have been devastating for his family.
I’ll just do an edit of my post above.


It must have been.

I do have a tendency these days to get interested in what other roles an actor has done, and it’s always a shame when it turns out they’ve passed on.

(Seems to happen with child actors a fair amount, too. They’ve got a lot of pressure on them early in life. Not always, though. Toby Froud went from being abducted in Labyrinth as a baby to being design supervisor for Dark Crystal: Resistance…)


I love pretty much all the Masters - Delgado and Gomez are, like many others, my favourites. I love a panto villain the Master always seems to be better when at least a little grounded.

I haven’t listened to any Big Finish masters yet (unless you count Geoffrey Beavers since he’s mostly just in the audios) but I’ve heard good things about them.

There is one Master I dislike however - The Spy Master.

I have such a burning hatred for this incarnation I can barely describe it. Every single thing he says and does irritates me, I remember so clearly screaming in my head: “Please don’t be the Master, Please don’t be the Master, Please don’t be the Master” over and over again during the O reveal.

He feels like a rehash of the Simms Master but worse that actively worsens all the incredible character work Moffat did with Missy. Really can’t stand him.


If you reverse basically everything you just wrote there, then that is how I feel about the Dhawan Master. It is the version of the Master that RTD was going for with John Simm only done right and with decent stories :wink:

We are all watching the same show, how come we all have such vastly different takeaways from it? I love that :grin:


Big surprise that you don’t like the best New Who master…


Well if he had had just a single decent story, (2 minutes in Utopia doesn’t really count does it? :wink: ), if they hadn’t made the single worst decision in Who history with the drumming in his head and if he hadn’t starred in the very worst 2 hours of televised Whoniverse content including the entirety of K9 (you know what I am talking about @Tian ), then he might just go up a bit on that list :nerd_face:

But this monstrosity?

Never have I wanted something “retconned” more :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The season finally of s03 is good.

RTD had nothing to do with the Timeless Child. I thought that this was a thread about the master…

Flux is much longer than 2 hours…




Will we ever agree on anything my Swedish friend? :grin::grin::grin:


We both like season 5 :slight_smile:


I’ve never seen someone refute bad takes with even worse takes like this /lh


Yeah, I know. It is crazy how many bad takes @BillFiler has :laughing:


I’m not a huge fan of the Pertwee era but I don’t think any of the subsequent Masters can even hold a candle to Roger Delgado.

I do love Geoffrey Beevers in the audios and I think Anthony Ainley and Sacha Dhawan are hugely underrated but I think Delgado was the one who got the balance of charm and villainy just right.


Ya know, I am always humbled when the Vikings land on my thread @BillFiler and @Tian , your banter always appreciated


I saw a tweet a while ago that said something along the lines of “Sacha Dhawan is an actor who seems born to play the Doctor and channels that into the Master” and that’s always felt like such a great description.

Missy is still probably my favorite incarnation, but Spy Master is very very close behind


@flora_snow00 i wish we had more with him as the Master. I feel as though Chibnall’s approach was not bringing out his best.

So I am willing to give him another chance to prove himself.


From my limited perspective of the Chibnalls run, Sacha Dhawan seems like a breath of over-the-top fun that was sorely needed. He chews so much scenery that barely anything is left.


Without a doubt Dhawan is a better Master than Simm.


I honestly feel like he takes aspects from several previous Masters in his performance. He’s got Simm’s craziness, energy, and song and dance routines, but he’s got the tissue eliminator and channels Ainsley, and his scheme replacing the original ‘O’ was something Delgado would have done. (And yes, the eliminator could be Delgado, too, but thinking about it, I’m leaning Ainsley…)

I always like it when you can see previous Doctor’s shining through on newer ones, and I definitely appreciate the same for the Master.