The introduction of Daughter Heartshaven!


I’m Heartshaven! She/her pronouns. New here. Moshke is a friend of mine and they’ve spent the last two days explaining to me in great detail why I should join them here.

I uh have literally never participated in an internet forum like this so I’m not sure what to do, so hope you forgive the awkwardness.

Uh… little bit about me. Right. I’ve been into Who for about 10 years, and I’m passionate about how far-reaching the expanded universe is. I don’t really have a favorite part of the EU - I love it all and what I’m personally interested in depends on my mood. Liv Chenka is probably my favorite companion (hence the profile image). My personal hobby is coming up with headcanons to make the entire Doctor Who EU cohesive (so like resolving continuity errors between different parts of the EU) and I’m working on a project that involves mapping out the different Timelines of different characters - like, every Doctor Who EU story in order from the Doctor’s perspective, and from the Master’s perspective, and so on and so forth. Feel free to ask about that - I like talking about it but also don’t know how to in an online setting.

Uhhh I think that’s it? Nice to meet y’all


Hiii! We already know each other but: welcome! I truly hope you enjoy your time here and have lots of fun!


Oh as an addendum I probably won’t be rating stories - rating things out of a set number isn’t something that clicks in my brain - but I’m hoping to be active in other parts of the community


Welcome to this wonderful little corner of the Internet, filled with craziness, love for the unloved (Krotons are beloved here :heart: ) and a lot and I mean a lot like A LOT love for the EU, be it the Books, the Comics and especially the Audios!

Your Friend Moschke did a great Call to get you on here but no pressure to be active on here, just dip in and out if you like or not!

Anyway here are a few Questions out of Curiosity:
Have you or will you read Lungbarrow?
Who are your favorite Doctors? Favorite other Companions? Favorite not liked Monster/Alien from the obscure 1960s/70s Serial that most don’t talk about?

Anyway hope you have a good Time here!


Hey! Welcome to the forum!

Just do you! There’s no right or wrong (other than the general rules, of course).

You can use the site and forum as you see fit, but rest assured that here you will find plenty of interesting topics to chat about with other fans! Just pick a topic you fancy, or start your own, and get chatting! It’s great to have you here!

This sounds really interesting, and it’s something we’ve been talking about occasionally. So I’d like to hear what you’ve come up with, if you’re happy to share :slight_smile:


Hey, we’re tumblr mutuals! (i’m okaystoptellingmetomakeanaccount/somethingsomethingsixthdoctor) Great to see you here! I had never participated in forums before tardis guide either, but the people are so lovely here, they’ve made it all a very easy and welcoming experience. I’m sure you’ll be right at home along with all the most insane obscure DWEU fans out there.


Yes I’ve read it. Why Lungbarrow, btw? That’s a specific pull

UhhhHHHHhhhhHHH picking a favorite Doctor is hard beacuse I like most if not all of them depending on the context?

Other companions I like include Jamie, Victoria, Zoe, Romana II, Nyssa, Tegan, Ace, Yaz, Fay Truscott-Sade, Chris Cwej, Gabby Gonzales, Cindy Wu, Hex Schofield, Hebe Harrison, and Anya Kingdom. Probably missed someone, but whatever.

The Rutan Host. I dunno I guess the Rutans aren’t as forgotten as some but yeah they’re prob my favorite alien species


I’ve written out some reconciliation essays on tumblr - I think I’m gonna make a new thread and copy-paste them here or something


Mentioning Gabby and Cindy here just made me remember: we have a Comic Club category here, where we’re going through the titan comics and I think you might enjoy that! The threads have no time limit or whatever, it’s always cool to revive an old topic!

(I’ve fallen behind with replying to those, I should catch up again actually)


Oh, just thought it is interesting to know. It’s one of those Stories that is quite special for a reason. (I still need to get around to it.

And very fair! Great Choices for your Companions, I’d love the Variety presented here from old to new ones, from Comics to BF to Books to Classic! Lovely List (also anybody who has all of Two’s Companion, Romana II AND Ace in their favorite List deserves an Award for great Taste!!)


Oh hey! I love your dr who meta/canon welding posts on tumblr, good to see you here!


Hello! Fancy seeing you here!


Someone recognizing me?

From my canon welding posts!?

[brain breaks from joy]


[silly voice] hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Hewwo! I got distracted but it’s great to have you on here


Hello, I also follow your tumblr, love your reasons you should interact with this Doctor Who EU thing posts. Welcome to the forum, hope your enjoy it here


Welcome to the forum @Heartshaven - sounds like you’re deep into Doctor Who and we love that here! Hope you enjoy your time.


It’s been a while since I’ve done one of those. I should get back into it


Woooo you made it! (Does this obligate me to participate and not just lurk, now that I talked you into being here? I think it might lol)


Hi there. Welcome to the site and forum.

We have TV Club Audio Club Book Club and Comic Club. They’re good places to jump into and give your spicy opinions :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If there is anything you want to know about in the site or forum, feel free to ask, and we will point you in the right direction.

I hope you enjoy your stay.