The Fourteenth Doctor Era

This post is to discuss the greater 14th Doctor era. You have the three specials, their novelizations, Liberation of the Daleks from DWM and a small scattering of other stuff. How does the extra material affect your perception of the Fourteenth Doctor?

I wasnā€™t that impressed with Liberation of the Daleks, it all seemed a bit strange to me - I might go back and re-read it now that itā€™s all finished but it wasnā€™t my cup of tea.

I did love the comic set in between The Star Beast and Wild Blue Yonder - that was a lot of fun :blush:

Iā€™ve yet to read the novelisations but heard great things about The Giggle.

The specials themselves were wonderful, I know some people have David Tennant fatigue but he will always be one of my favourite Doctors, and Donna is just brilliant, it was a dream come true to see them both on my screen again, even if just for a short time! :heart:


Liberation of the Daleks really suffered from the reduced page count for the comic strip. I really struggled to follow the story and a lot of characters were just sort of ā€˜thereā€™ with no real explanation as to who they were.

It definitely needs a read all in one go rather than once a month!


I enjoyed the three specials. I think The Giggle was my favorite, partially because of the three of them, it felt the most like what one expects from an anniversary special. Iā€™ll admit that I was having a lot of fun in the Star Beast when Donna got her memory back. I like the concept of Wild Blue Yonder and that the Doctor and Donna get a chance to just talk. That said, I canā€™t stand the ā€œMavityā€ running gag and it either has an amazing, rewarding payoff, or just disappears into the void. Iā€™ve got Liberation of the Daleks and The Giggle novelization on order through my local library. But itā€™ll still be a little bit before I can read them. The untitled DWM comic looks interesting but who knows if Iā€™ll ever read it since I donā€™t get DWM and I have no idea if or when itā€™ll be collected. (Still waiting on Monstrous Beauty from TLV to get collected somewhere.) As for the other few appearances of Fourteen, I may get around to tracking them down someday. Much more looking forward to seeing where we go with Gatwa.


I gave up on liberation, problem with a lot of the Who comics is it feeling really generic. I did love 14 differently to 10, but the outside material has had no bearing I think

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I get what RTD was going for with recasting Tennant again. And it works more as a fix for what he did to Donna. That said, why couldnā€™t we have gone straight into Ncuti? I like the idea of the Doctor actually taking a rest to heal from his trauma, and it allows Ncutiā€™s era to feel more fresh and without the baggage of either the Classic Series or the Modern one. I still donā€™t know what I feel about this incarnation. I donā€™t think I want it to have gone on any longer, but itā€™s almost too short at the same time.


It was to bring back fans of Tennant who had since been disillusioned with the show. Looking at the ratings, I think it worked.


I also have to give it to Russell, only a true Doctor Who fan would resurrect the ā€œLetā€™s just cast Patrick Troughton againā€ plan that they were tossing around in the mid 80s before they decided on Sly.


Iā€™ve only watched the three specials but for me it was to try and wash away what people consider the bad taste of Chibnel era. It felt like a more mature 10 and kinda made sense with what they were going for with fallout from Flux (which iā€™ve not watched properly).

It got me watching but, for me, fumbled it at the finish line.

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