Considering it was recently announced David Bradley and co. would be returning for a special series of ‘Unbound’ adventures, I thought it best to start reviewing his original run.
My review of ‘The Destination Wars’ is now available to read.
And he only appeared in two or three releases before he went bananas, so he was never developed a lot. It’s a shame, because I believe he could’ve been quite an interesting Master over time, and supposedly one of the earliest incarnations.
No I think Delgado is supposed to be the Twelfth Master. That’s why when he tried regenerating again he became the husk, cause he was at the end of his cycle.
Not until the end of ‘Ravenous 4’ when he gets a new regeneration cycle, which is when the Husk regenerated into the Bald Master.
So technically, of the first cycle we know;
The First Master - Milo Parker
The Third Master - TERF Man
The Twelfth Master - Roger Delgado
Technically you could count the Pratt / Beevers husk and any of the bodies he stole in that time - like Tremas and Bruce - as the same incarnation, because he always went back to the Husk (as established in ‘Dust Breeding’).
Of the second cycle we know;
The First Master - Alex MacQueen
The Second Master - Sir Derek Jacobi
The Third Master - John Simm
The Fourth Master - Michelle Gomez
The Fifth Master - Gina McKee (Lumiat)
The Sixth Master - Sacha Dhawan
Ah yes I was forgetting that Delgado may well be the Master at the end of his cycle of lives. I had thought James Dreyfus was billed as the first Master - i.e. a grown up Milo Parker but I could well be wrong about that.
A distaste for the man aside, he does fail to stand out in this story. He feels like he’s trying to do Delgado which is probably his (second) biggest mistake, no actor has tried to do Delgado before because you just can’t live up to it! He comes across as bland, and that’s the last thing you want launching your new range.
This story is at least good at establishing a “feel”, that I feel all these stories end up sharing, it’s like if 60s Who was produced in the 2010s which yeah technically it literally is, but I hope you get what I mean.