The Darksmith Legacy

Another set of books added to the site with help from @Tian, The Darksmith Legacy!

I have never read any of these but it really intrigues me that there was a website and a community attached to it, and you can earn things by participating it sounds a lot like what I want to do with this site :sweat_smile:

Unfortunately the website is no longer operational, which happens a lot with tie-in websites like these. It’s a shame I never got to experience it.

Did anyone here read these books when they were released, or have you read them since? What do you think of them?


I feel I saw these books around at the time, but I don’t remember reading them

The covers seem a lot more Star Wars than Doctor Who to me

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I think the cover art is absolutely gorgeous on these!


I like that from the covers you tell it’s part of a series. Too many releases have random covers that don’t gel together.


I had a handful of these, I think I got halfway or so through the logo. Or maybe I had them all, I honestly do not remember one single thing about these books


I’ve had these since release but never read them when the website still worked. I wonder if its viewable on the wayback machine.


seems they might be, not sure how much of it works though

I never read these but have been considering getting a set from Ebay for a while now. May do it soon :thinking:


I have these, I read these. I remember almost nothing about them. For that reason, and because I think I can breeze through one of them quickly and it won’t be taxing, they’re on the list of things I might reread one day.

I don’t think they were well regarded, but my best guess is they were okay, and people used to the meatier novels found them just too lightweight.

I don’t think I ever did go to the website. I got the books somewhat after the release, and I don’t know if it was still up then, but if I went, I don’t think it held my interest (so, big difference from what you’re doing with this site @shauny).

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