The Celestial Toymaker animation DVD/blu ray

Apparently there was a BFI event yesterday and there seems to be a lot of positive feedback for the animation which has got me excited for this release.

Apparently they’ve gone quite far in depicting the Toymaker’s servants as actual toys which I think is a great idea.

And the new Escape Room feature seems fun and is apparently an ongoing item which will feature of future releases.


I don’t really care for the animation style if it was your typical serial, but I think it might fit pretty well here


Apparently it’s much improved from Web 3. Loads of positive comments (except one particular fan who has been put in his place by Peter Purves).


I wasn’t going to bother with this, as I am not sold on the animation style and don’t really care for the story, but that does sound intriguing. I might give this a go at some point, just to see how they’ve recreated the adventure.

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This is released - finally - next Monday. Anyone else excited for its release. I know I am (particularly as the whole endeavour seems to have royally angered a high profile fan…)


I’m very excited. I really quite enjoyed this story even just with a reconstruction, so I’m really looking forward to seeing it come to life, and I think the animation style looks great for this story. Unfortunately not in a position where I can actually buy it right now though, so will have to wait a bit before I can watch


I can’t wait for it. I think The Celestial Toymaker is a mess of a story, but having only heard it, I want to see if having visuals will help at all.


I’m a fan of the story but more for the story I think I’ve created in my head!

My review on the site:

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I am curious about the style they going for this time. Am I going to run out and buy it asap nope.


I’m not huge on the story itself, based on the Loose Cannon reconstruction I’ve watched a couple of times. But I’m interested in seeing how (and if) the animation improves the experience. It certainly looks interesting!


You might be able to get it from your local library. If it’s not already on their radar, you can definitely ask about it and put it on there.


Has anyone watched this yet?

My copy is still waiting for Amazon to send to me :rage:

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I haven’t but I’ve been hearing a lot of praise for it on Twitter


It’s getting a lot of praise on Gallifrey Base too. I’m really eager to watch it! Bloody Amazon! I only ordered it from them as I had gift vouchers!


I’ve just watched the first episode. The Animation is different, but after a few minutes I got used to it. I have a couple of issues with the ‘floating’ camera, but it’s minor.

I don’t know if it will change my opinion of the story, but being able to actually watch all the episodes is better than trying to figure out what is happening with the telesnaps.


Watched the first episode - very interesting choice for animation! I for one like it so far. It’s a bit bizarre in a good way.


I’m planning on watching this one tomorrow! Not a fan of the story, but intrigued to see whether the animation improves my opinions of it.


Although the animation is getting a huge amount of praise, the Escape Room feature seems to have gone down like a lead balloon. Lots of comments about Peter Purves and Maureen O’Brien looking really uncomfortable throughout. :grimacing:


So, I watched the story in colour today. Is it more enjoyable than the previous reconstructions? Yes! Is it a great story and an overlooked gem of the late Hartnell era? No!

The story is as thin as before, but that is to be expected. The Doctor is barely in the story and Steven and Dodo mess around with various games and challenges together with a bunch of annoying supporting characters.

But the animation makes this one much more interesting to watch. This new style isn’t flawless - the character movements aren’t always very fluent - but it helps bring the original vision of the story to life. They’ve truly brought the Celestial Toryroom to life in all its glory and I love the trippy surroundings and character models. The story feels more fantastical and magical and the living toys look like living toys rather than actors in costume. I especially like how the first challenge plays around with the laws of physics, making it a bit more playful.

I didn’t notice the edit on the racist slur, so I consider that one a success as well.

This is the best way to experience this story right now, as it is such a visual story that is finally given justice.

I give it a 6.8/10!

The new escape room feature is fun on paper but boy was it awkward to watch at times. I didn’t watch it all, but from what I saw, Putved was oftentimes confused, poor O’Brien had trouble hearing anything and Bowerman tried to take charge.


Same here. I watched it over a few days. It improved my ability to track what was happening, compared to audio/recon, but this story is still fairly bad as far as I’m concerned. Ambitious but a failure.

These are my views. If you like the story, then I’m genuinely happy you have another DW story to love.