TARDIS32's Tough Quiz Questions - The Long Game

This set of questions came together fairly easily. We’ve completed our first companion in the TTQQs, finishing Adam just like that! snaps fingers. Anyway, enjoy.

Question Answer
1. On which floor do the Doctor, Rose, and Adam arrive? 139
2. What was the main popular food item that was sold on the floor the Doctor, Rose, and Adam arrive? Kronkburger (with or without cheese)
3. Rose has a “sort of beef” flavored Slush Puppy, what is it called? Zaphic
4. One of the Satellite Five employees we meet is Cathica, what is her full name as she says when demonstrating the infospike system. Cathica Santini Khadeni
5. After her promotion, we learn that Suki Macrae Cantrell is actually an anarchist named Eva Saint Julienne. She was the last surviving member of what group? The Freedom Fifteen
6. In the space year of 2019, the microprocessor became obsolete, and was replaced by something called SMT. What does SMT stand for? Single Molecule Transcription
7. What was the override code the Doctor got from the elevator? (I’ll be nice and just ask what the Doctor says, but a bonus if you can get the full thing that was on the monitor) 215.9 (215.9976/31)
8. What are the small robots that make the Vomitomatic work called? Nano-termites
9. With exact spelling, what is the full name and title of the Editor-in-Chief of Satellite Five, nicknamed Max by Simon Pegg’s Editor? The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe
10. What is the lifespan of the creature from Question 9? Three thousand years
Bonus: Name any of the news events mentioned in passing during this episode, a point for each. Solar flare activity in space lanes 556, Sandstorms on the new Venus Archipelago, Glasgow water riots, Space lane 77 closed by sunspot activity, the pregnancy of the Face of Boe, government collapse on Chavic V

Next Time: The Sensorites


This is an episode I just rewatched, so I have high hopes for this one!

My Answers
  1. 456
  2. Kronkburgers
  3. Bubble Shock
  4. Cathica Bluesky
  5. The DWAS
  6. Standard Micro Transmitter
  7. 12345
  8. Nanobots
  9. The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hydrojassic Maxarodenfoe
  10. 10 thousand years
    Bonus: Increase in solar flare activity, the Face of Boe gives birth

I think you can tell which ones are guesses and which ones I actually have an answer to!


4 isn’t bad (I’d say your bonus answers are close enough), and you were close on a few others. Well played.



Who could forget The Face of Boe’s pregnancy or Kronkburgers?


3 (1, 5, and a bonus). I should probably rewatch this episode.


Probably my least favorite one of Series 1, but still ok. Series 1 is just solid all around. Not one of the most memorable episodes though, so I can imagine this one is tricky.

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1 point this time, so that 1 whole point better than the last one :+1:

How would I ever be able to forget Kronk Burgers?



Here’s my attempt:

Watch me fail!
  1. 15?
  2. It was some weird alien food. Zorg?
  3. Can’t remember
  4. Cathicadvoratrelundar
  5. Daughters of the Saint
  6. Spike Mind Technology
  7. Banana
  8. Nanobots
  9. The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Bountiful Human Empire
  10. 500 years

Bonus: No.