I’m back after my password adventure. Much quicker to make these with a two-parter and only 10 questions. I think this one is a bit easier than the last one, but here goes.
- Who is the very first one of the four to wake up? Barbara
- The Doctor is delirious and rambles something about Susan, what does he say? “I can’t take you back, Susan. I can’t.”
- What color on the bandage does Susan say indicates that the wearer’s wounds are fully healed? White
- The TARDIS scanner shows Quinnis, where is Quinnis located? The fourth universe
- Which scene resulted in Verity Lambert having to write a letter of apology? Susan’s violent behavior with scissors
- This story was the first to properly establish what long lasting piece of Doctor Who lore? The TARDIS is sentient
- How was the fast return switch indicated on the TARDIS, in a way that Verity Lambert said wasn’t supposed to be present on screen? “Fast Return” is written in felt tip
- The Doctor uses another incorrect name for Ian, which one this time? Chartow
- From whom did the Doctor acquire his ulster coat? Gilbert and Sullivan
- The BBC has a copy of the second episode in which non-English language? Arabic
Bonus #1: Can only really give one point for the usual first bonus, but what is the title of the second episode? The Brink of Disaster
Bonus #2: Name the hints that the crew was given by the TARDIS that Barbara figured out. 1 point for each. The food machine, the broken clock, the lights on the fault locator, the wrong panels on the console zapping them, the scanner.