TARDIS32's Tough Quiz Questions - The Daleks

Took a bit of time to make this one, a good bit of uneventful or non-quizworthy stuff in especially the later episodes of this one. Could only scrape 3 questions for episode 6, but did 2 extra for 7. I hope the good few number questions aren’t too mean, but I am trying to be tough. Anyway, enjoy:

  1. The petrified crocodile-like creature that Barbara finds has a name. What is it? Magnedon or Magneton
  2. Ian requests bacon and eggs from the food machine. What code did the Doctor have Susan enter to produce it? J62/L6
  3. The Doctor pretends the fluid link was malfunctioning as an excuse to get into the Dalek city. Which fluid link? Fluid Link K7
  4. The fluid needed for the fluid link was mercury. I am a chemist, so what is the atomic symbol (like O for oxygen) of mercury? (Bonus point(s) for the atomic number and/or mass) Hg (#80, Mass 200.59)
  5. Who (uncredited) plays the Dalek through the eye of which we see the legendary cliffhanger of Barbara’s scream of terror? Assistant floor manager Michael Ferguson
  6. The Doctor deduces that a neutron bomb must have been used to cause the devastation on Skaro, what is special about a neutron bomb compared to other nuclear weapons? It destroys life while leaving buildings and machinery intact
  7. The Daleks indicate the decrease in radiation count over the past two hundred days, what was the change? 93 to 58 (a reduction of 35)
  8. What security system does Susan indicate is contained within the TARDIS door lock? 20 decoy keyholes, any incorrect choice will melt the lock, permanently locking it
  9. What do the Daleks use to monitor Susan’s progress through the jungle when she is going to recover the anti-radiation gloves drugs? Rangescopes (can accept rangerscopes, since a Dalek says that as well)
  10. What famous film director was almost going to be assigned to be the designer of this serial and possibly of the Daleks themselves, but was replaced by Raymond Cusick? Ridley Scott
  11. What, according to Alydon, is a sign that the anti-radiation drugs have started to work? Tingling in the arms
  12. What was to be the signal that the Daleks were not hostile to the Thals in the letter making contact between them? It would be signed with Susan’s name
  13. The Doctor and the others deduce that the Daleks must be powered by static electricity. While it is true in the show, realistically, why can this not be the case? Static electricity by definition isn’t moving through a circuit, and therefore couldn’t be powering anything
  14. Whose idea was it to incorporate static electricity into how the Daleks work? Associate producer Mervyn Pinfield
  15. What was Christopher Barry working on which made him unavailable to direct the third, sixth, and seventh parts of this serial? Smuggler’s Bay
  16. Which lift shaft did the Doctor and co use in their escape from the Dalek city? Lift Shaft 7
  17. Which named Thal was the first to die in the Daleks’ ambush? Temmosus
  18. Like Earth is the third planet away from Sol, which planet is Skaro in relation to its sun? Twelfth
  19. What adjective does the Doctor use as the term for the history of this planet? Skaroene
  20. What was the Thal in the picture holding when the Doctor talks to Barbara about the Thal history records? A sword
  21. When the Daleks observe the people in the Thal camp, they used a numbered frequency to do so, which frequency was it? Frequency 6
  22. Early in the fifth episode, the Doctor uses the incorrect name for Ian Chesterton. Which name did he use? Chesserman
  23. Daleks from which sections of the Dalek city were test subjects for the anti-radiation drug before they knew it would kill them? Sections 2 and 3
  24. According to Alydon in his rousing speech to the Thals, what is there “no indignity in” and what is “a terrible shame?” “There is no indignity in being afraid to die, but there is a terrible shame in being afraid to live.”
  25. Which Thal was killed by the whirlpool in the lake? Elyon
  26. In addition to the answer to Question 9, the Daleks have another piece of equipment for monitoring the Thals, what is it? Vibrascopes
  27. What does the Doctor use the TARDIS key on a necklace chain for? Shorting out a Dalek electrical panel
  28. Of those who were successful in doing so, in what order do the party in the cave cross the gap? Ian, Ganatus, Barbara, Kristas
  29. Which Thal fell to his death? Antodus
  30. The Doctor is captured by the Daleks and he uses something as a bargaining chip to try to get out of it, what did he bargain with? Offering the Daleks the TARDIS
  31. The Daleks give an order to retreat to a particular numbered level of the city, which one? Level 10
  32. The Daleks set a timer from 100 for detonation of the neutron bomb, what was the last number read out before they were stopped? Four
  33. How does the Doctor tell the Thals to prevent themselves becoming like the Daleks? Throw away their technology
  34. What does the Doctor say he’s too old to be when saying goodbye to the Thals? A pioneer
  35. Where is the Doctor’s truth? “My truth is in the stars.”

Bonus #1: Name all 7 individual episode titles, 1 point for each “The Dead Planet”, “The Survivors”, “The Escape”, “The Ambush”, “The Expedition”, “The Ordeal”, “The Rescue”
Bonus #2: Name any additional Thals that don’t appear in the questions or answers. 1 point each Dyoni, Ganatus, Tecanda, Amezus.
Bonus #3: Name the unused names for the Thals that didn’t make it to the final serial, 1 each. Stohl (Temmosus), Vahn (Alydon), Kurt (Ganatus), Jahl (Kristas), Ven (Antodus), Daren (Dyoni), Zhor (Elyon)


I am quite simply staggered that I got 14 points (thank you bonus points :grin:)

Wow, that was quite a range of (impossible) questions :+1:


That is the idea with my bonuses, can rack up some extra points that way. You’ll see a pattern with one bonus question in the Hartnell era through The Gunfighters, then I have to start coming up with other things.


Yup that well will dry up at the O.K.Corral :wink:


Oooh, I’m having a go at a better time, but it looks challenging!


I definitely don’t know this story as well as An Unearthly Child. I got a decent 12 from the main quiz and then five more from the bonuses. Some genuinely challenging questions in this one.



Bearing in mind I’ve only seen eps 1 and 2, I think that’s pretty good

Also got a point in bonus 1


I’m going to come back and do this properly later but I already know I don’t know the answer to lots of these - and there are a couple where I do know the answer but I’m damned if I can remember it!

  1. The Magnadon
  2. A number and a letter…
  3. I was going to say mercury and then saw Q4.
  4. I’m not a chemist so I don’t know.
  5. It’s one of the crew who then became a director - my head is saying Michael E Briant but it could be Michael Ferguson…
  6. Leaves the buildings intact.
  7. ??
  8. 24 different slots for the key and if you get the wrong one it melts (let’s hope stumbling home drunk isn’t a Time Lord habit).
  9. Rangerscope?
  10. Ridley Scott
  11. ??
  12. ??
  13. What’s with all the science questions!
  14. Raymond Cusick
  15. I think I know but I can’t remember.
  16. The one on the left (?!)
  17. Temmosus
  18. 4th
  19. Fascinating
  20. Spear and shield
  21. 7
  22. Chesterfield
  23. C
  24. Not fighting - erm…
  25. Elyon
  26. Vibratorscope (I’m just getting silly now)
  27. Something to do with magnets
  28. Ian, Ganatus, Barbara
  29. Antodus
  30. ??
  31. 5
  32. 3
  33. ??
  34. Pioneer
  35. In the stars.
    Bonus #1: The Dead Planet, The Ambush, The Escape, dammit I can’t remember the rest!
    Bonus #2: Dyoni, Kristus
    Bonus #3: Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub (one for the UK oldies of the forum…)

Time to reveal my score:

16 - I gave myself Vibrascope even if I was being silly because clearly the name was lodged somewhere in my subconscious. Bonus #2 says additional Thals but Kristas is mentioned in Q28. Now admittedly I forgot he was in that bit but I did then mention him as an extra Thal - so maybe technically another point?

Great questions!


Well done. Sorry about the science questions, I think they’re fun. I’ll keep them to a minimum if they prove unpopular. I try to have a bit of a mix of story questions and behind the scenes/real world questions, the latter mostly when I start to run out of the former. I think I’ll also try and reduce the amount of number questions in future, Terry just stuck a lot of numbers in this story.


Don’t change anything on my account - it’s good to get my thinking cap on from time to time.