TARDIS32's Tough Quiz Questions - Rose

So, due to the poll and the tie-breaker I had done, we’re gonna start mixing in the modern series here. Questions per episode will likely be 10 each for standard episodes, and probably 15 or more for ones longer than an hour. It might just end up being however many I feel like doing, or the amount of good questions I can come up with, but expect around 5 per 20-30 minutes of episode. Classic Who will be back, and we’ll then alternate, after I catch up with the modern series (after Aliens of London/World War Three). There won’t be as many bonus questions with the reduced number of regular questions though. Without further ado, here are the questions, enjoy.

Question Answer
1. What time do we first see on Rose’s alarm clock? 7:29, just before it turns to 7:30
2. Rose Tyler works in a department store. What is that store’s name? Henrik’s
3. Rose is looking for Wilson to give him his lottery winnings. What are Wilson’s first two initials. H.P.
4. Jackie Tyler is exaggerating how much Rose is affected by her job getting blown up. To what does she compare her daughter’s skin? An old bible
5. Who was Jackie’s friend who received £2,000 in compensation after someone said she looked Greek? Arianna
6. The Doctor picks up a magazine and says, “That won’t last. He’s gay and she’s an alien.” What was the name of the magazine? Heat
7. How fast is the Earth in its orbit around the sun, according to the Doctor? 67,000 miles per hour
8. Clive has a photo containing the Doctor shortly before the voyage of the Titanic. What was the name and location of the group of people he convinced not to go? The Daniels family of Southampton
9. Rose Tyler left school for a guy. What was that guy’s name? Jimmy Stone
10. Rose was in an under 7s gymnastics team. For which school was she on that team? Jericho Street Junior School
Bonus: When Rose uses Search Wise to find out more information, what is each search term she uses? 1 point for each (exact wording), and a point for number of results. Doctor, Doctor Living Plastic, Doctor Blue Box, (17,700,000, 55,300, 493)

Ok let’s do this!

My guesses
  1. 7 O’Clock
  2. Henri(c)ks’s
  3. I.M
  4. Lady Cassandra
  5. Nerys
  6. Doctor Who Adventures
  7. Nine billion miles an hour
  8. Smiths from London
  9. Mickey
  10. Coal Hill
    BONUS: Doctor, Doctor man, ear man

(Yes a lot of this is just made up :joy:)


Here wee goooo!

  1. 7.00 AM?
  2. Henrik’s
  3. Good one, no idea. H.P?
  4. A failed spray tan?
  5. Can’t remember - Susan?
  6. I’m rubbish at British magazines - DWM!
  7. 300 mph
  8. The Addams Family, in Belfast
  9. Mickey?
  10. Coal Hill School
  11. Doctor who?, dr who?, blue box

This was a really good, challenging quiz!


Excellent. That’s what I’m going for with these. Challenging but not too unfair, and still fun.

Edit: well, maybe the bonus questions are slightly less fair, but they’re for extra credit.


I didn’t do very well, but I’m happy that I remembered number 2 and totally lucked out on 3 (I swear I just jotted down the first two initials I could come up with and squealed when I revealed the answer).


Damn, this was hard. I got 7 and two bonus points.


7 is pretty good, 9 is well done indeed.


5 points :+1: (three of them bonus points…)
These kinds of details quite simply do not stick in my brain :neutral_face: :grin:

  1. Not a scooby
  2. Henriks
  3. ??
  4. ??
  5. Linda? There’s always a Linda somewhere
  6. Hello
  7. ??
  8. Albert Docks… no idea
  9. Darren - and there’s always a Darren too.
  10. Kings Road Junior
    Bonus: shop dummies coming to life doctor

The grand total of ONE! (And the Jericho Street one annoys me because it was in something I listened to recently).


Oooh thanks for doing Modern Who, the only way I stand a chance.

I got 4 correct, and got 3 bonus points (for some reason the Search Wise scene lives in my mind and I remembered all the terms - but not the results)

My correct questions (I didn’t write down my incorrect guesses, just kept a tally as I went along)

  1. I guessed the alarm clock right.
  2. Got the name of the store correct
  3. Skin like… I love that bit and may have used the phrase in real life lol
  4. He’s gay and she’s an alien, I got the magazine

Wooo thanks :star_struck:


I may have a triple drop just about ready to catch up with the classic ones…