TARDIS32's Tough Quiz Questions - Marco Polo

I have returned after an absence of these posts due to having a lot more to do at work lately, but I finished these 35 questions on Marco Polo. I think this one might be the trickiest one yet, but also the one with the highest potential for bonus points. Good luck, and have fun.

Question Answer
1. The Doctor sends Susan to fetch something to help him begin his repairs to the TARDIS, what is it? The 2LO (or perhaps 2L0, the Doctor says oh), whatever that is
2. Why is the soup Ping-Cho gives the Doctor cold? The low pressure from the altitude means the water boils at a lower temperature (though, only by ~10°C, from looking up the elevation of the region)
3. As is tradition for me to ask at this point, what incorrect name for Ian does the Doctor use in the first episode? Charlton
4. In which modern day country does this story start in, if they are in the Pamir Mountains? Tajikistan
5. Ping-Cho says she is from Samarkand. Where is Samarkand today? Uzbekistan
6. Susan erroneously states that fab is what part of speech? Verb
7. How many water gourds does Marco bring for their trip across the Gobi? Eight
8. Where did Marco purchase his chess pieces that Barbara was admiring? Hamutz
9. Shah Mat is the equivalent to checkmate said by Tegana. What does Shah Mat mean specifically? The King is Dead
10. Where, according to Susan, are there metal seas? Venus
11. Which Mongol emperor put the Hashashins to death? Hulagu
12. In Ping-Cho’s story, who was the Old Man of the Mountains, the evil leader who was defeated by the answer to Question 11? Ala-eddin
13. How did this Old Man of the Mountains get his followers to obey him? He’d drug them with the hashish draught, and tell them to kill his enemies
14. The hero of Ping-Cho’s story defeated the Old Man of the Mountains by besieging his lair for how long? Three years
15. Tegana goes to the inner chamber of the Cave of 500 Eyes to meet with two co-conspirators, what were their names? Malik and Acomat
16. They were thankfully unsuccessful, but how did the Mongol guards choose who got to kill Barbara in the cave? They rolled dice
17. Who told Tegana, incorrectly, that the Doctor was in his room when Barbara went missing? Chenchu
18. In the fourth episode, Tegana reveals to his co-conspirator his plans to steal the TARDIS and give it to the warlord he serves. What is that warlord’s name? Noghai
19. Ping-Cho uses what piece of circumstantial evidence to try and prove Tegana was lying about the Cave? He referred to the secret passage before it was revealed to be there
20. By what method does Tegana intend to kill the Doctor? A stake through the heart
21. What is to be the signal for the Mongols to make their attack in the bamboo forest? Tegana would wave a torch
22. What does Ian use to try and scare away the incoming bandits? Throwing bamboo on the fire so it explodes
23. What is the name of the courier who brings a message from Kublai Khan? Ling-Tau
24. What is the name of the man (with the outrageous accent) who takes charge of making sure the TARDIS and their belongings make it to the summer palace? Wang-Lo
25. What loophole does Ping-Cho find in Marco’s instructions in order to still help Susan? She was told not to tell Susan where the key is, she just stole it herself, not saying where she got it
26. Ian tells Marco that he and the others are from the future, and Marco, admitting he almost gave over the key, doesn’t believe him. Why? He knows Ian lied to protect Ping-Cho, making Marco doubt the truth of Ian’s story
27. What is the name of the man who scammed Ping-Cho for all her money Kuiju
28. What reason does Marco decide to send Tegana instead of waiting for Ian to return with Ping-Cho? They are opposed to her marriage, making him think Ian just went to recover the TARDIS
29. Along which road was the TARDIS moved instead of being on the way to the summer palace? Karakorum Road
30. What health condition does Kublai Khan struggle with? Gout (can also accept arthritis)
31. What animals did the Doctor win (well, temporarily) in his backgammon games against the Khan? Elephants, Stallions, Tigers
32. What did Marco Polo bring to the Khan from India that the Doctor also won? The Sacred Tooth of Buddha
33. The Doctor additionally won all of the commerce for a year from where? Burma
34. What was the Doctor’s consolation prize when he loses his all or nothing bet for the TARDIS? A piece of paper currency
35. Ping-Cho’s marriage does not go through due to the death of the would-be groom. At what event was he when he died? At a feast
Bonus #1: Name all of the towns they stop at in this serial, one point for each you can name Lop, Tun-Huang, Su-Chow, Kan-Chow, Lan-Chow, Sinju, Cheng-Ting, Shang-Tu, Peking
Bonus #2: Name each individual episode title of Marco Polo, one point for each The Roof of the World, The Singing Sands, (The Cave of) Five Hundred Eyes, Wall of Lies, Rider from Shang-Tu, Mighty Kublai Khan, Assassin at Peking
Bonus #3: Susan and Ping-Cho were comparing fish in a pond to various characters of the story. How did they describe each person’s fish? One point each. Wang-Lo: fat, smooth, and silky. Marco: solemn. Ian: energetic. Barbara: independent. Susan: wicked. Ping-Cho: pretty
Bonus #4: How many of each animal did the Doctor almost win in backgammon? 1 point each 35 Elephants, 4000 Stallions, 25 Tigers

I’ve been looking forward to this.

I got 19 from the main questions. I struggled at the start but did better towards the end. For the bonuses I only got one of the towns but managed to remember 6 of the episode titles and three of the descriptions. All in all, not a bad showing.


Very well done. The missing episodes are definitely going to be tricky.


Also. I realize that doing classic from the beginning and going that way might make it a little tough for some to get into these. Some people may be modern series fans primarily, maybe some aren’t big into the 60s stuff, whatever. So I’m making a little poll here just for feedback. Would people like me to do any of the following?

  • Keep going in order as I’ve been doing it.
  • Start alternating with the modern series.
  • Other (comment below)
0 voters

I voted other because I think I need to vote to see results.


I voted to carry on with classic simply because some people round here need to pay the classic series more attention… :wink:

I’ll tackle this quiz tomorrow or at the weekend. I know I’ll do badly though…


I’m going to have a go at some point. I love the new layout, by the way!

I voted to alternate because it’s fun, but I don’t mind either way. We’ll get to the revival in due time, perhaps before the 2030s!


The new layout was rather serendipitous actually. I type all of my questions in Excel first and thought, “I wonder what happens if I just copy and paste the whole thing.” So I tried it, and it went in formatted as a table.


Well. How did I just know it would tie? I guess I’ll coin flip or something, unless we get some last minute votes.


Ok by the method of throwing all stories into the randomizer and seeing if classic or modern Who stories counted to 10 first (159 stories vs 161, by Metebelis 2’s default settings, so fairly even) it has been decided that going forward we shall be alternating. I will do Rose, End of the World, Unquiet Dead, and Aliens of London/World War Three first just so they’re caught up and even, then we alternate. Thinking 10-15 questions per modern episode. Thanks for the poll feedback.