TARDIS32's Tough Quiz Questions - Dalek

Oh boy, I had some fun with this one. Such a good episode this one, I got some chills even just reading the transcript, a great reintroduction to the Daleks. Good luck all.

Question Answer
1. What was the name of the aide Van Statten fires in the opening minutes of this episode? Polkowski
2. After firing him, which two cities beginning with M did Van Statten suggest to leave him? Memphis and Minneapolis
3. How many floors down did the Doctor and Rose arrive? Fifty-Three
4. What 19th Century novel title does Van Statten use as a nickname for Adam after finding out that Rose Tyler is also English? Little Lord Fauntleroy
5. Where on Earth did the Dalek crash land? The Ascension Islands (last time I checked, Ascension Island was an isolated island, but whatever)
6. A guard/soldier gave De Maggio the order to get the civilians out safely, but what was his name? Bywater
7. What colors distinguish two divisions of Van Statten’s guards/private army? Red and Blue
8. What does the Doctor jokingly suggest Adam would do if he had to fight his way out of this place? Throw his A-Levels at them
9. Which three cities beginning with S did Diana Goddard suggest leaving Van Statten after wiping his memory? San Diego, Seattle, and Sacramento
10. Assuming he didn’t join the TARDIS team at the end of this episode and he needed to fly home, what time was the flight to Heathrow scheduled? 15:00 (3 PM)
Bonus: They show a map of the contiguous United States when they show the Dalek taking down the power grid. Name every US State incorrectly depicted on that map, a point for each. Michigan was missing its upper peninsula. New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island were combined into one state. New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Long Island (part of New York State) were combined into one state. Full list: Michigan, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and New York.

Next Time: The Aztecs


As usual, it’s time for my guesses!

My Answers
  1. Colin
  2. Michigan, Malabama
  3. Two
  4. David Dickinson
  5. Cardiff
  6. Dave
  7. Bronze and silver
  8. Dance
  9. San Diego, Silencio, Skaro City
  10. Nothing O’Clock
    Bonus. I don’t know

I tried so hard :sob:

Well done for making the questions so hard!


Laughing face not because you didn’t know some of them, but your answers when you don’t know always amuse me.


Oh thank you!

Even when I can’t think of the correct answer, I still try to put some thought into at least having a guess that people are free to laugh at.


Only got two point this time, one from the bonus. The bonus is usually where I get the points for these but I couldn’t be bothered to name every US state.


To be fair, you had a 1 in 5 chance of being right on that. Really gotta start saying -1 for every incorrect guess on the bonuses.


Okay! Let’s do this!

  1. I have a feeling he’s a Mark.
  2. Madrid & Mexico City
  3. 10
  4. Oliver Twist
  5. Nevada desert?
  6. Mr Sol Dior?
  7. Red and blue
  8. Trip over his own feet
  9. Seattle, San Diego & Singapore
  10. 1.30 pm

Bonus: New York, Mississippi, North & South Dakota, Florida, Rhode Island, Texas, California, Dakota, Arizona, Minnesota, New Mexico, Washington, Wyoming, Oregon, Missouri, Alaska, Hawaii, Pennsylvania

I didn’t do very well, did I? :joy:

Edit: I named all those states hoping to get at least one right, and of course, they’re almost all incorrect! There are too many states :joy::joy:



I got question 7, one of the cities in 9

Better than I expected to be honest lmao