I was thinking about a BF concept I’m surprised was never done, and realised this could be a fun thing to discuss! But for any medium!
The BF one I was thinking of was a multidoctor story with the three main variants of 8: Charley/Lucie era, boxset era, and Time War 8! I think while this incarnation is clearly the same one, he’s changed enough and McGann is a skilled enough actor to pull this off. After all, he pulled off something similar in Caerdroia!
I’d also love to see an imposter Doctor in the main show! BF have used this concept a few times now so I’d love to see how NuWho would pull it off on TV.
I have really been enjoying the Eighth Doctor, and trying to listen to it all. I’m not exactly sure how well it would work with different ages of the same Doctor meeting - has he really changed that much? - but actually I was just thinking how fun it would be if Charlotte Pollard, Lucie Miller, Liv, Helen, Bliss, Cass, and Audacity were all in a story together, perhaps trying to work out which Doctor is theirs
What do you mean by imposter Doctor? Someone pretending to be him? The only time I can really think of that happening is in the first War Master story, but then I’ve not heard much of other ranges.
Clara pretended to be the Doctor in Dark Water, does this count?
Obviously this is a spoiler, but UNIT: Dominion does this with the first apperance of Alex MacQueen as the Master, where he spends the first 3/4 of the story pretending to be a future Doctor
I am 95% certain that’s where the current 8th Doctor range is going. We’ve got 3 distinct branches, all releasing in parallel, with multiple tangible connections between them. I would be surprised if they’re not building to a crossover
I have a lot of story ideas floating around in my head after years of writing fan fiction. I can’t share all of them since it’ll be a very long post so here are a handful of them.
Story where the doctor, 12 or 15, and his companion goes on an adventure and gets captured by aliens. The Doctor notices that his companion is acting strangely and scans them and realizes that his companion is being affected by something. A small group of the aliens arrive and tell the Doctor that his companion only has a certain amount of time left before they die and the only way that he could save them was to stop them (don’t know exactly how but probably a series of puzzles).
A companion that is secretly working against the Doctor kinda like Turlough but not having them turn into an ally.
They arrive at a hospital that specializes in rare and hard to cure diseases for people of all ages. Everything seems perfect but after talking to some of the residents it turns out that there’s something strange going on. However there’s one person that doesn’t want them to uncover the truth and shut everything down.
It’d be so funny if some medical student became a companion and was serious about that question Jackie once asked: What else does he have two of? Maybe Carolyn McConnell from Vampire Science could ask this question for all of us.
I’d love a Mel meets the Doctor for the first time Big Finish story. The Wrong Doctors doesn’t live up to its premise, and I’m not overly interested in novels.
Wouldn’t even mind if it’s based off the book? Don’t know if it lines up with the New Series take on Mel though. (SEE: vague mention of family gone, and that’s it!)
I really wish there were more stories that dip into the absolute horror of the Cybermen. Part of the reason that I adore Attack of the Cybermen in spite of its many, many, MANY flaws is that it dips into and shows off how awful they are as creatures. There’s an almost casual nature to the horror of people being converted in the background of the set and it’s barely even acknowledged. It’s business as usual for them. I think Ashad started to dip into that but I want to see more. They’re not just robots, there are people under those suits and that moment is where they become most effective.
Desperately want a story with Romana finding out and reacting to Adric being dead. It’d absolutely Destroy me but I’ve wanted it for years and I can’t believe it hasn’t been done yet afaik??
Like does the Doctor tell her? If so, which one? If he doesn’t, how does she find out? Does she confront the Doctor about it? Just… so much juicy potential there I Need It
Bearing in mind Lalla Ward’s opinion of Matthew Waterhouse, I’m not sure she’d be able to divorce fiction from reality and would want a story where Romana threw a party on finding out the news. To be honest, they don’t even spend that much time together nor develop much of a bond so I’m not sure it would be a particularly emotional story.
Would like the Doctor and Master to both regenerate in a series finale and we go into the next season not knowing who is who. Would be fun both in the show and outside it as the supporting characters and audience try to work it out.
Oh yes I think I’ve heard of that idea before somewhere, apologies if it was you who said it, but that is absolutely brilliant!
Just thinking how it would work because obviously the Master would just go out and murder someone straight away so it would be obvious.
There would need to be two companions from the previous era that come along, and they don’t know who is who but each of them pick one and they split up.
Then there would need to be two warring factions and each Time Lord picks a side, the companions and the viewers don’t know what’s going on but behind the scenes one of the factions is actually being totally evil but from outside they both seem to have a point.
Then when it is revealed which is which we think we have worked out who is the Doctor but then there’s a surprise twist!
I’d say when doing this, to give the Doctor a particularly unstable regeneration, like 5 → 6. And have the Master realise the confusion particularly early on and decide to capitalize on it.
It’d help if something was going on before they regenerated where both the Doctor and the Master had the same short term goals for different reasons.
You could also have times where it looks like one of them incapacitated people but they actually killed them, too…
Definitely a time for lots of scenes from a companions perspective!