Hooray for being fans of episodes that are over-hated for often unfair reasons!
Only 43 more sleeps until Threshold Day!
The thing about Threshold is that it’s a really good character focused episode exploring Tom Paris’s relationship with his father and inferiority complex, as well as some fantastic body horror. It’s only in the last ten minutes that it takes a turn into, well, the thing it’s known for. I suppose the dodgy science throughout doesn’t help much.
Well, I’m not afraid to sound like an insane person! Timelash is mostly a really solid episode!
I do actually agree about the Tom Paris parts, and you have to admit it’s memorable, enough so that it’s been referenced multiple times on newer Star Trek.
Of course, I could also write a post defending Barbie Girl easily enough, which is actually really not a kids song, and about objectifying women…
Okay, maybe this is a hot take, but I don’t believe in “so bad it’s good”. If I enjoy something, it’s good, and that’s that. It served it’s purpose in being entertaining. Also, I find that there’s generally something to enjoy in every story, no matter how bad.
The TV Movie wasn’t trying to be good cinema, it was trying to encapsulate what Doctor Who is, and it succeeded. Time Flight has some great character moments. Timelash has a really solid plot for the first two or so parts. Cyberwoman is the only Cyberman episode in modern Who to lean in on the body horror and show the devastating impact Cybermen can actually have, and was a great character building episode for Ianto.
I will defend every Doctor Who story, even the ones I don’t personally like, because they all have something that makes them worth enjoying. This is true for every work of art anyone has ever made, no matter how trashy or poorly thought out.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
I’d also mention that there was a TARDIS scene between Herbert and 6 that I thought was really good…
I have just had major deja-vu reading your post - and not just because I tried to say the same above. I 100% agree.
I didn’t think Herbert was relevant to the plot and felt that he dragged it down quite a bit, which is why I chose to focus on the episodes without him being good. But this is exactly what I’m talking about: we all have parts we can find enjoyable in any Doctor Who episode. That is why we’re fans, after all.
I do agree that there are very few stories where this category is applicable for me. I feel like a lot of times when people describe stories this way, they’re just camp or reality tv or a genre that not everyone likes and isn’t super serious.
However, I think this kind of fits the K9 series. It’s really bad, but there is just enough potential to make it frustating and tbh, it’s been long enough since I watched it that I kind of miss it. It actually was kind of a lot of fun to watch (though that could have also been the pain meds I was on while watching, who knows)
The Slow Empire
The prose is absurd, and all of the characters speak with the same ridiculous voice of the author. The story is extremely dense, but nothing actually happens. Half of it is written in literal genuine Comic Sans. There’s a part where the author in text plugs the other book he wrote, citing it by name and ISBN. It’s ridiculous and awful and I had an incredible time reading it.
The movie is the obvious answer, but I’ll throw another one in and say THE TIME MONSTER <333 This story has so many good ideas and so many off-the-wall ideas and no idea how to put any of it together into a cohesive story. I love it to bits.
One of my favorite doctor who scenes.
Makes me think: is there a difference between “camp” and “so bad, it’s good”? This brings me to the whole of Season 1 of Torchwood. Is it camp? Is it bad? I’d argue it’s mostly so bad, it’s good.
I actually argue The Movie while being flawed is far away from being a case of “So bad, it’s good”. The Directing and the visual language of it is top tier, only topped by heaven sents superb directing and visual look. Is it super flawed? Yes, but I still think (at least for me that is), it has so many good Elements. (Is that another hot take? Probably
As for the Topic, if we dont go with Who, it’s The Room. If we go stricly Who, probably Nightmare of Eden but then again @uss-genderprise put it quite well with the “so bad it’s good” thingy. (Although I use it mainly in a way, where I look at certain productions who have some very wonky things to it, but it’s overall somewhat charming and at times really funny, like as it is the Case with the Room. If that makes any sort of sense)
I mean, the horrendous racism of the master’s disguise and to a lesser extent the complete lack of emotion/weight given to adric’s death and Tegan’s departure are usually the main criticisms I see and tbh they’re pretty valid
I watched Mario Bros (1993) recently with some friends… can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard at a film. Can recommend.
(I honestly think that if they didn’t tie it into the Mario universe, it would be an average and forgettable film, but the tie-in makes all of it so much more ridiculous)
I had a huge amount of emotion about Tegan’s departure.
It was this emotion.
Which is totally fair, but a lot of people seem to enjoy Talons despite its racism too, so Time-Flight is unfortunately in no way unique for that. As for emotion, I think Classic Who just functions differently on that front because really for most companions, they leave and are never even thought of once again