Today’s serial is up, and it’s a… it’s a good one.
Kind of odd photoshoppy title card, though.
Today, the official classic channel added The Creature from the Pit, which is certainly a serial that happened.
Ah yes, the one in which Tom Baker gets intimate with a totally normal looking creature, promise
Forgot to check for a new serial today, but, coincidentally, there wasn’t a new serial today! So no one knows I didn’t…
Oh, right.
And today we get more Tom Baker, same season as the last Tom Baker one they posted, in which we learn the real monster was drugs all along…
Today, the Classic channel posted “Revelation of the Daleks”, which isn’t much of a revelation, given Davros is on the cover and “Daleks” is the name.
Good DJ, though.
Daleks!?!?! in an of the Daleks story?!?!?! Mind. Blown.
And it does have probably 6’s best outfit. Not sure why they don’t have that on the cover.
We need a Doctor Who story titled The Absence of the Daleks, which would be just that. Imagine the rage all over the internet and on this forum when some people somehow expected there to be Daleks in the episode, even when it says in the very title that they are absent.
Absence of the Daleks was the joke title for the story which was back up in case the rights for the Daleks fell through when Rob Shearman was writing Dalek for Series 1. It apparently involved the Toclafane - or a version of them - instead.
Yep, the finale would have been about them instead! And the Doctor didn’t regenerate, and I think Rose was potentially fatally injured, which was probably why the first episode of next season is going to a hospital.
(Of course, it was also slated at some point that the Doctor manipulated all of Rose’s life to make her the perfect companion… lots of interesting things that didn’t make it!)
(We got Boom Town instead of the manipulation episode, incidentally, which would have been by Paul Abbot. The line about a red bicycle when Rose was 12 was probably a leftover from that…)
Okay but honestly, a story that takes place on a war torn planet, well, with daleks it was more of a slaughter. Most of the people are dead or dying, plenty were captured and forced into slave labour, turned into robo-men, etc. Basically just a post-apocalypse story with daleks.
But then while you’re dealing with the fallout of the daleks leaving, there’s the big question looming over everyone’s heads. Why did the daleks leave?
Love this!
I’m going to try to add some different types of stories to the thread. No one has added any short stories yet, so here are some short stories that have been released for free online:
“Chemistry” by Sophie Aldred (2022)
“Blue Moon” by Oli Smith (2009) [not listed on the Guide at present]
“My Dad, The Doctor” by Jaimie Mathison (2015) [also not listed at present]
See also: