Sontarans vs Rutans

Is anyone else excited by Big Finish’s current Sontaran vs Rutan mini-series? The Third Doctor, Sarah Jane and Brigadier instalment is released today.


I’ll have to listen to those, I always was interested in the Rutans, mostly becouse they managed to last in a war against the Sontarans for so long and yet show up so rarely

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The first one with Eight, Charley and C’rizz was a lot of fun. I’d planned on starting the Third Doctor one last night while I washed dishes, but had issues with the app.


I like the first one with 8, and will keep my comments to myself for this one though

I have always wanted to know about the wider war between the Sontarans and the Rutans instead of the more spec ops missions we see throughout. Though they must of gotten board as they decided to take over the universe like every other race in the flux but I guess that was to do with opportunity


Welcome to the forum!

I need to listen to these stories.

So I finished the newest one: The Children of the Future. I liked it, but not early as much as the first one. Maybe I like Eight a lot more anyway. I mean, it was a fine story and I did enjoy it while listening, but it wasn’t as fun as the Eighth Doctor one. I did like the brief tie-in comment towards the end though.


I haven’t got round to any of them yet but I am intrigued by it all - interesting that people seem to be preferring the 8th Doctor ones

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The first one was OK. 2nd one was really good.


Just a reminder that Born to Die, the third installment with Six and Charley dropped today.


Enjoyed this one. An interesting mystery with a nice twist on the conflict. I figured out part of it before the reveal, but just really enjoyed this one. I still had more fun with the Eighth Doctor installment, but that’s more down to my really loving the Eighth Doctor more than anything else.


I also listened to Born to Die today. It was a fun, straightforward story with great performances and wonderful music and sound design. Nothing too complicated, really.


Okay, so, maybe it’ll all come together in the end but can someone explain the arc to me like I’m stupid? I’m just not picking up on any mystery boxes.

I don’t think there is an arc, other than the fact that these stories are set during different points of the Sontaran/Rutan war and details some of the events in it. But perhaps I’m also stupid?

It’s not a mystery box, but I’d argue that there’s still an arc. Giant’s Causway left us with several unanswered questions, like why those Sontarans were so impressionable, or what the weird temporal event was that brought them to earth. Children of the Future expanded on the nature of the temporal event, while Born to Die expanded on the malleable sontarans. We don’t have answers yet, but they’re definitely laying the groundwork for those answers.


That makes sense. I didn’t really pay much attention to Children of the Future so I might need to give that a relisten (I might just need to give the whole series a relisten before the final release comes out tbh)

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Last piece dropped today. Really enjoying it.

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The arc is explained in the final entry. Essentially a grandfather paradox on top of a bootstrap paradox made possible by the maliablility of the Time War.

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There, finished it. Very good! And the whole arc tied together nicely with an excellent conclusion. Well done. :+1: :clap: :clap: