Some(?) of the Big Finish sampler freebies aren't available to add

Some(?) of the Big Finish freebies aren’t available to add.

For example, I currently have ‘Doctor Who: The End of the Beginning Part 1’ but not the full release.

Ones that constitute entire stories, for example the UNIT Extinction story ‘Vanguard’, are in the database as stories, but without the ‘how to listen’ for the associated freebie, just the full set.



I personally wouldn’t class a free sample as an entire story, so they aren’t included.

What does everyone else think?


I agree. If it’s a sample of a full story which exists on the site, I don’t see a reason to include just the sample as its own story. We don’t have the trailers for future episodes either.


I think ones like The End of the Beginning Part 1 which are only one part of a four-part (?) story shouldn’t have an entry. But ones like Vanguard where an entire story is available for free should.

However, both of them should have a link to their respective BF pages in How to Listen.


I think that mayyyybe an argument could be made for the Part 1s as collectibles, if we run the same logic as when a comic book offers a story only partially. Though that’s of course only if we decide now that digital collectibles are going to be a thing. (I do remember seeing some digital-only books on the Guide as collectibles, so there’s one for that)


Free extracts from releases shouldn’t be classed as different stories but I can see the logic of having a freebie as a collectable especially if it is a complete story from a box set.


I don’t intend to have digital things as collectables, if any are there then it’s a mistake!

Collectables should only be physical things, that’s how I planned it…


I’m very new to this site.

If you buy a set and it’s not a physical one how do you record the set?

For example, I have the download version of the Limited edition of Masterful with all the extras.


Well currently you can mark each story as “owned” by going to each story page and toggling it there (press “unowned” and it will switch)

That’s how I intended to make it work. But happy to hear more ideas!