I’d never considered this, but now I need it
- No plans for the return of the War Lords.
- Stories featuring the Guardians are rarely commissioned because how can you defeat such powerful beings.
- No updates this week.
- There is a listing for a novelisation of The Chimes of Midnight! Adapted by Rob Shearman, featuring Eight and Charley.
- There is also a listing for a novelisation of Jubile!. It is also penned by Rob Shearman but is described as a radical reinterpretation, and currently don’t know which Doctor it involves.
- We have listings now for The War Games in Colour Steelbook & Blu-Ray.
- Doctor Who: Dracula has been listed, featuring the First Doctor and written by Paul Magrs.
Sales: Billy Hartnell Birthday: First Doctor sale!.
Fifteen Minute Drama Tease: Zygon Century: Infiltration
Interview/Production Interviews Zygon Century: Infiltration
Randomoid Selectotron: BUCKUP: The Monthly Adventures: 184. Scavenger
What BF CD’s are OOP: The First Doctor Adventures Series 1; The Fourth Doctor Adventures 4.2 The Darkness of Glass; The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: 6. Victory of the Doctor
Big Finish Release Schedule: -
Zygon Century: Infiltration - 14.01.2025 Torchwood MMonthly Adventures: Ianto’s Inferno - 16.01.2025
What Big Finish I was listening too today: Do Go On.
Random Tangents: Benji’s got the flu. They discuss the weather.
Although it is sad to think about the day when Tom Baker will pass away, it seems like with Tom Baker’s large backlog of Big Finish audio dramas that the moment has been prepared for.
Yes, it is somewhat weird that I was sitting here and came upon the urge to write a joke from a setup that was written over six months ago!
One can say that this punchline arrived the long way round!
It will definitely be strange if he passes away and then a year later we are still getting new releases!
Boooo! Hisssss!
- No plans for more vinyls due to poor sales.
- The trailer for The Life and Death of River Song: Ace and Tegan is out.
- Big Finish’s tribute to the tragic passing of Christopher Benjamin.
- Tickets are now available for Big Finish Day 2025.
- David Banks is announced as reading the Planet of Fire novelisation.
Sales: Weekly Deals: Rose and Jackie Tyler;
Fifteen Minute Drama Tease: V UK: 1. Visitation
Interview/Production Interviews V UK: 1. Visitation
Randomoid Selectotron: BUCKUP: Novel Adaptations: 6. Damaged Goods
What BF CD’s are OOP: Torchwood Monthly Range: 43. The Three Monkeys
Big Finish Release Schedule:
Classic Doctors, New Monsters: 5. Faithful Friends - 21.01.2025 V UK: 1. Visitation - 23.01.2025
What Big Finish I was listening too today: The Dollop.
Random Tangents: Discussion on the recording of the Jon Pertwee BBC Radio recordings. Everyone at Big Finish is sick.
I have never understood the fascination with vinyl.
More expensive, worse quality, less convenient (big, bulky, can’t fit as much on one disc).
Big Finish trailers really are just random lines, they’d be so much better with a bit of linking narration to explain. But it’s got me hyped!
The album art is great though. But yeah my vinyl phase where short and I dont miss them.
Different formats have plusses and minuses. I like vinyl for the ‘warmth’ of the sound, and for the fact that, in a digital age, you have to just let it play. It’s harder to give into the ‘instant gratification’ accesability of modern media.
A similar thing with me is that I prefer film projection rather than digital. There is an intangible like to it.
Different strokes, etc.
It’s weird how hit and miss they can be with that given all the practice they’ve had. They’ve put out some great ones that give a clear sense of the story and build excitement but at worst I feel like there’s no extrapolating what the plot is. This feels like one of the more disjointed ones.
- Zygon Century and Planet Krynoid are still one-offs at the moment.
- The new BF website is still quite a while away.
- Currently no plans to do a Ninth Doctor/Rose release to mark 20 years of New Who (though not saying we won’t ever get a Nine/Rose story).
- Cover and story details are out for The Paternoster Gang: Trespassers Vol. 3. (And that is some brilliant cover art IMO).
- Cover and story details for Torchwood: The Monthly Adventures are out. Note that from March the range will be Bi-Monthly.
- Cover and story details are out for Susan’s War: Grandfather Time.
- Story details for The Life and Death of River Song: Ace & Tegan are out.
- (From last week) Listings for two Fifteenth Doctor and Belinda novels have been listed: Fear Death by Water by Emily Cook and Spectral Scream by Hannah Fergesen.
- Neil Cole posted on his Facebook page that he is restoring the Skarasen model and indicates he’s got a secret mission with it. Whether that means documentary for a Season 13 Collection or updated CG models….it looks like potentially Series 13 might be in the works?
Sales: Weekly Deals: Doctor Who: Peladon Sale!; Star Cops Sale
Fifteen Minute Drama Tease: The Third Doctor Adventures: Doctor Who and the Brain Drain.
Interview/Production Interviews: The Third Doctor Adventures: Doctor Who and the Brain Drain.
Randomoid Selectotron: BUCKUP: Big Finish Classics: 2. Treasure Island
What BF CD’s are OOP: The Monthly Adventures: 247. Devil in the Mist; The Fourth Doctor Adventures: Series 10 Vol. 1
Big Finish Release Schedule:
What Big Finish I was listening too today: Errr the Big Finish Podcast.
Random Tangents: January 30th 2025 is when the story “Energy of the Daleks” is set and we’ve now reached that date. It was also Tom’s first audio, planned to be first released and Tom had to re-record some scenes because he hadn’t quite gotten back into character.
I want this so much. Hope it happen in the future!
- Andrew Smith is writing an upcomin audio.
- The official trailer for Call Me Master: Inner Demons is up.
- Cover and story details for The Fugitive Doctor: Dead or Alive are out.
- Cover and initial details are out for The Sixth Doctor Adventures: The Cosmos and Mrs Clarke featuring Iris Wildthyme(!) are out.
- The cover for Planet: Krynoid is out.
- The soundtrack for The Daleks in Colour is available on vinyl/CD from Silva Screen Records.
- For Record Stores Day this year, The Tenth Planet has been announced (with a gorgeous cover).
- Covers are released for Doctor Who: Dracula & Doctor Who and the Patchwork Man.
- It seems that Dalek by Rob Shearman is being releaed in hardback.
- In terms of Audio Originals announced: What Still Remains featuring the 7th Doctor and Ace; Firefall featuring the 15th Doctor and Belinda; and Counterstrike featuring the 15th Doctor and Belinda are announced.
Sales: Weekly Deals: The Prisoner: Sale;
Fifteen Minute Drama Tease: VAMPD. Vol. 2
Interview/Production Interviews: VAMPD Vol. 2
Randomoid Selectotron: BUCKUP: Counter-Measures: Series 4.
What BF CD’s are OOP: The First Doctor Adventures: Vol. 3; The Fourth Doctor Adventures: 5.2 The Labyrinth of Buda Castle; The Lost Stories: Return of the Cybermen Special Releases: Peladon
Big Finish Release Schedule:
VAMPD: Vol. 2 - 14.02.2025
What Big Finish I was listening too today: Errr the Big Finish Podcast.
Random Tangents: Discussion on the 1967 version of Casino Royale. Australia uses the superior dating system (which is the non-American one). And Big Finish released a video of Tim Treloar’s 10 Year anniversary and Tim can’t cut a cake to save his life.
slow day at the office then I remember when they used to drop lots of news. I wonder if they’d be best scaling back to fortnightly?
I imagine they’re saving some announcements for gallifrey one
Manifesting a Gallifrey the series Romana announcement they will do this for me right…
PLEASEEEEEEEEE i need this so much
There always needs to be more Romana in the world
Is the schedule out? I hope they do an announcement of some sorts last year they didn’t from what I remember was quite disappointing!