Hi, really loving this site! Lots of cool features. One bit of feedback I have is that short stories are currently being counted as “books”, when they should really be their own category. So as a consequence the site statistics are saying I’ve read 146 books, when I really haven’t.
Welcome to the forum @Danochy . A good bit of feedback that @shauny can ponder.
Do pop over to the Introductions thread and tell us a bit more about yourself. Lots of conversations to get involved with too.
Thanks - yes I have been pondering how best to do this.
I’m counting stories as unique things, so really it should say you’ve read 146 prose stories or something like that.
I don’t like to count all stories in the same book as one story for reviews and rating purposes.
What do you think?
I’d probably have novels and anthologies, where an anthology is a list of stories, and counts as both reading a book and reading each individual story. A story could potentially be in more than one anthology. (And magazines could could contain stories as well, if you add them.)
Indeed, the latest DWM special about the Fourth Doctor has new original prose by Christopher H Bidmead and there have been a smattering throughout DWM’s history, including their Preludes to the NAs (another spreadsheet for @shauny).
Welcome to the forum!
And yeah, it also counts comics as books too, so something like TWM 25 which contains 3 short stories and 1 comic strip ends up getting counted as ‘4 books’ which definitely doesn’t feel right
One Idea is to keep it as it is (maybe with a name change). But maybe have it more broken down by type of written story when you look at more of your statistics.
I think even then I’d split comics off into its own seperate stat, but yeah ‘prose’ split by short story and books sounds good