Season 2: Expanded

This is the post for discussing Season 2 and all the stories set within and around this season. How well does this season work? Do all the stories shoehorned in help, hurt or not effect how you view the TV season?

Looking at the timeline on Tardis Wiki (Theory:Timeline - First Doctor - Tardis Wiki), I count ten short stories, twenty-one comics, eleven audio stories, five novels, and a webcast. There’s actually a lot of stuff set between Seasons 1 & 2 too, but I’m thinking of counting that as a separate “expanded season”. What are your thoughts on the expanded media in this season?

Note: I’m counting Season 2 as starting with Planet of Giants and ending with The Time Meddler and only counting the stuff set in between. Everything set between Season 1 and Season 2 I count as a separate season.


This is one of the areas that will benefit from playlists on this site, I’ll be able to start to wrap my head around chronological story orders…!


Unfortunately, not every timeline agrees on a chronilogical placement. I use the Tardis Wiki timeline and Kearley’s eyespider timeline. There are often times they don’t agree and I tend to side with the wiki because it has more explanitory than eyespider.


Makes sense, a certain amount of chronology is going to be completely arbitrary, which I suppose is part of the fun. (Sorry for derailing your thread…!)


Don’t worry, you haven’t. :hugs: This is here for anyone to comment on.