This is my first post, so sorry if I’m not doing it right.
If it’s possible through a browser extension or something, it would be nice to be able to scrobble from services like iPlayer, Disney+, Max, Britbox etc.
It’s not urgent, but at some point it would be nice to have.
I would also like to be able to export and import my diary as a CSV for other services like
What do you think? Good idea? Bad idea? Possible? Impossible? Urgent? Maybe add eventually?
I can’t comment on the possibilites of implementing anything of the sort, even if I understand where you’re coming from and find it an intriguing idea.
Scrobbling is when a service automatically tracks media you consume and adds it to your account. A popular example is, which integrates with virtually every music player to track your music. Here’s the Wikipedia article on for more info.
Fascinating, I’ve never heard of that at all before. I’m not 100% certain I like the idea of something tracking my every move, personally, but that’s just me
Well, it would basically only track your watching (when you watch an episode on the iPlayer or D+) and then add it to your account automatically. So the only thing it would do in this case is to save you a click.
And it should probably be an opt-in feature anyway.
And it should probably be an opt-in feature anyway.
Definitely. Mind you, I can’t see how it even could be opt-out, unless for some reason the BBC partnered with to use cookies or something, which I can’t see happening, and don’t want.
Scrobbling, I’m not sure I could ever do that - not unless we get much bigger and can pay for services that connect to all those services. I’ve seen them around. But they aren’t cheap!
As for exporting, you can already export a CSV, go to “Tools → Export”, not sure it’s going to be comparable so if you have any suggestions how I can edit that, feel free to let me know!
Importing is more difficult because it relies on a very specific set of fields and can be so complicated and require support that I haven’t looked into it yet. However you can “bulk complete” any set which is a big help for filling in old data.
Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!