Redacted UNIT personnel file: Filer, Bill

Having surveyed the perimeter, security measures and intelligence regarding the illustrious TARDIS Guide, UNIT has deemed it proper protocol to divulge the non-classified information pertaining to our agent Bill Filer, Washington division.
Bill Filer has been a great asset as an international field operative, notoriously during the halted invasion of Axos by use of Axonite near the Nuton Power Complex. Though sometimes prone to a streak of disregarding the proper chain of command, the results from Bill Filer’s field work are immaculate.

Interestingly enough a second layer of information has been found on Bill Filer and his current whereabouts:

Hi, I suppose it is time for an introduction :slightly_smiling_face:
My proper name is Rasmus, I was born in 1986 and live in Jutland, Denmark.
I live with my wife who I’ve been together with since 2003. I have 3 sons ages 11, 8 and 5. None of them are Who fans (I’ve given up on that front with my wife - but all three boys love sci-fi and fantasy so I’ll probably indoctrinate them to the Whoniverse at some point)
I read quite a lot and am currently going through the Virgin New Adventures in order.
I love nature and am in my element when walking in forests or along the beach (preferably with some Big Finish in my ears :wink:)
I studied Language and International Studies at Aalborg University in Northern Denmark, these studies included textual, discursive and linguistic analysis as well as having a focus on grammar. So I apologise profusely in advance if my posts, topics and analyses are influenced by this :slightly_smiling_face:
I can’t wait to interact with you all on the forum and the different clubs that are available on this great site.

End of file.



Sorry, I hadn’t read this yet because honestly the title made me confused and I thought it was a thread about a UNIT character I hadn’t read about yet :joy:

Good to hear you’re on the VNA ride that we’ve just begun too - hopefully we catch up and can discuss them together.

I definitely think you should encourage your sons to get into Doctor Who! It’s VERY important :smiley:


That’s fair, I just thought I would have a bit of fun with the title :grin: It’s good to be here!

And in regards to the VNAs I might just be the kind of nerd who has already begun taken notes on the books I’ve recently read to clear up a bit of time for reading new books instead of re-reading them again for the book club in 18 months :grimacing::joy:

I actually sat and watched “The Giggle” today and was joined by my 8 year old 10 minutes into the thing. He had a million questions but absolutely loved the bi-generation! There was a slight language barrier as he is on the “My name is” and naming colours stage of learning English and not a strong enough reader to follow along with the subtitles yet - not complaining there, I much prefer the English subtitles :blush: Translation from English into Danish is always a bit problematic due to grammatic differences.
But I am just debating with myself what I need to show him next to get him hooked :slightly_smiling_face:



…You know, by looking at the several ages the other users gave in their introductions, I’m starting to think I’m one of the few “youngsters” here on this site.


Just think about what having a “youngster” around is making the others of us feel - old, gray and dusty that’s what :wink:

Joke aside I think it is great that we have a lot of different ages and nationalities - gives a lot of diversity and different perspectives to the conversation :slightly_smiling_face:


A fellow linguist!!! How exciting!!!