Continuing the discussion from Audio Club: The Genocide Machine:
Spinning off from this week’s Audio Club, it struck me that The Genocide Machine introduces the character of Bev Tarrant, one of a few recurring characters created by Big Finish writers who then go on to appear in a number of stories - and in Bev’s case, to become a semi-regular in the Bernice Summerfield range.
Aside from Bev Tarrant, thief extraordinaire, which other Big Finish original ‘recurring’ characters are your favourites - or least favourites?
Top of many lists is often DI Menzies who appeared in a few 6th Doctor stories and was played by Anna Hope.
Another less popular character may be Thomas Brewster - who may or may not, depending on your inclination, end up in the ‘companion’ bracket.
Narvin for sure, he is such a wonderful character that is incredibly nuanced and multi-layered, and snarky to boot. Also it helps that he is portrayed impeccably by Seán Carlsen 
That’s a good shout. I started the thread and then was wracking my brain for examples!
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Narvin yayyyyyyyyy!!!
I’m also deeply in love with Veklin at the moment, I love it that she pops up all over and I want her to be in everything forever <3
I also love DI Menzies, she’s such a fun character and I’ve never been expecting it when she appears in the MR so it’s always a fun surprise for me when that happens!
Also, possibly unpopular opinion but I really cannot stand Thomas Brewster…
not for any reason particularly, I just find him annoying haha
I could honestly say the same things about Elizabeth Klein 
I don’t think it is that much of an unpopular opinion to have about him. Seemed fairly common when he was appearing in the main range.
Klein is another good recurring character who, of course, then actually became a fully-fledged companion to the 7th Doctor.
I really enjoy Norton Folgate. I haven’t heard him in a lot yet, but what I have heard was very fun.
What stories is he in? The name doesn’t sound familiar.
Ah, that explains it. I never got into Torchwood.
There’s a really funny Twitter thread about characters you just irrationally hate and my mind immediately went to this little prick immediately when I saw it.
I mean, there might exist a guide out there that answers this exact question
I love Cardinal Ollistra as this antagonistic ally to the 8th and War Doctors. And by extension, I guess I’d have to include Tamasan as well, since she’s been acting as Ollistra’s representative in recent years. I do hope they try and do more to distinguish Tamasan from Ollistra though, since I often forget that I’m listening to a different character.
Welcome to the forum @FigBinish5678 , cool name 
I have only heard Ollistra in the War Doctor audios, but she is great isn’t she!
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Welcome to the forum @FigBinish5678
I vote for Vienna Salvatori. She started as a side character in the main range then got her own series, which was great fun, BTW.
I’ve only heard her main range appearance and The Memory Box but I did enjoy her in the latter. That said, Big Finish do sometimes seem to go wild for a particular actor or actress and they end up being in everything.
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