I think Missy. She’s had a lot of attention already in the show and Big Finish but her recent role in Martian on Planetoid 50 or whatever it’s called was great. I’d love for her to get a box set with David Tennant some day, they were so cool together. I would love other Doctor Who stories where the performers are able to improvise like that because that was a cool and unique experience.
A genre you wish was explored more in Doctor Who?
Maybe Westerns? It feels like we only have a handful of those at most.
A range you don’t know how to get into?
There isn’t much I haven’t touched these days but Faction Paradox remains a bit of a mystery to me.
I’m considering acquainting myself more with Peri and Erimem’s relationship. Can anyone recommend audios besides Eye of the Scorpion (on my list) and Nekromantia (listened to, although I doubt anyone would suggest it lol).
Eye of the Scorpion is of course Erimem’s introduction and thus required listening. I quite enjoyed the next story in line, The Church and the Crown which is a pure historical set in Musketeer-era France. No Place Like Home is a short (and free) little story that revolves around the Doctor showing Erimem around the TARDIS. Nekromanteia has some interesting ideas, but is a lot of noise too and easily skippable. Finally, the next story The Axis of Insanity is kinda bonkers, but a lot of fun. That should at least get you going with this team.
How is “The Mind’s Eye”? Reading the reviews, I’m disappointed it’s another story that takes place within or is about dreams, but I’m intrigued because of the botanical elements and this sentence from the summary “Back on Earth, Peri tells her son about the good old days when she used to travel with a man called the Doctor.” It sounds like the audio could be potentially emotional, but it seems like Peri doesn’t encounter the plants?
I don’t know what’s up with me but I’ve been in a very Fifth Doctor mood lately. Like I have cravings for Fifth Doctor stories it’s WEIRD. I genuinely have no clue where it’s come from. I kinda want to watch a Davison serial now even. So, any recommendations for someone who’s new to Fivey on tv? What would be a good starting point?
It depends on what you are looking for. I highly advise to not jump into Earthshock, as I find it’s more powerful to watch after all the other Adric Stories. Kinda and Snakedance are some great Choices if you want something more Tegan-centric. Mawdryn Undead is a good one, not only as an Introduction to somebody new but also just a good Showcase of the Relationship between 5 and the Brig. Frontios is just a great Story, if you can vibe with S18 Energy, then this is something for you!