Rating & reviewing Collectables - on the roadmap

Hey everyone this is a ROADMAP post which means you can vote for ideas that you want to see sooner, this will help shape the future of the site!

Another feature that is definitely coming eventually!

For a while now you have been able to sort the Collectables by highest rating, but there has been no way to directly rate a Collectable.

This currently gets all the stories inside that collectable, averages their scores, and applies it to the Collectable.

But we can do better than that. Sometimes a collection of stories is better than the sum of its parts. And sometimes it’s all the little extras, which we aren’t currently logging.

Or maybe it’s a collectable that doesn’t have stories, like a Sonic Screwdriver or something. (Which we don’t have on the site yet… ops)

Discuss below how you’d like this to work, any feature requests, etc and VOTE on it to decide which I build first.


For all this time I had no idea I could do that :exploding_head:


There are lots of little features which are pretty hidden lol

I need to write documentation for it all!


I’d love this and would use it a lot.