Ranking Mark Gatiss Episodes

I’m curious! What do people think about the 9 episodes Gatiss wrote between series 1-10? Which is best? Which is worst?

  1. The Crimson Horror
  2. The Idiot’s Lantern
  3. The Unquiet Dead
  4. Cold War
  5. Night Terrors
  6. Victory of the Daleks
  7. Empress of Mars
  8. Robot of Sherwood
  9. Sleep No More

I feel like they’re all pretty hit or miss for me…


The Crimson Horror
The Unquiet Dead
The Idiot’s Lantern
Empress of Mars
Cold War
Victory of the Daleks
Robot of Sherwood
Night Terrors
Sleep No More

Basically the same. I think the spectrum of Gatiss episodes is the most interesting. It’s easy to spot a good, OK and rubbish episode by him.


Okay i think all of them are pretty good


Ooh, this’ll be interesting:

  1. Empress from Mars
  2. The Unquiet Dead
  3. Invaders from Mars
  4. Robot of Sherwood
  5. The Crimson Horror
  6. Night Terrors
  7. Phantasmagoria
  8. Sleep No More
  9. Cold War
  10. Victory of the Daleks
  11. The Idiot’s Lantern

Added the BF plays as a bonus! I’d like the Crimson Horror much more if it didn’t have that non-consensual kiss from the Doctor in it.

  1. Empress of Mars
  2. The Unquiet Dead
  3. Cold War
  4. Victory of the Daleks
  5. The Crimson Horror
  6. The Idiot’s Lantern
  7. Robot of Sherwood
  8. Night Terrors
  9. Sleep No More

I agree with him being kind of hit or miss. Crimson Horror and up are all decent for me, while Idiot’s Lantern and below are definitely below the average of the larger show in my eyes.


I like Phantasmagoria quite a bit. It’s the best 5th audio for a while. (from its release until a next good one)

  1. Empress of Mars
  2. Victory of the Daleks
  3. Robot of Sherwood
  4. The Idiot’s Lantern
  5. The Crimson Horror
  6. The Unquiet Dead
  7. Night Terrors
  8. Cold War
  9. Sleep No More

I am also not a great fan of any of these eps - I’ve gone by what’s in my heart right now, but I’ve no idea how that line up with my TG ratings!

Also, @nyssaoftraken, not to be controversial but I really didn’t enjoy Invaders from Mars that much! I think it’s overdue a relisten for me, but I don’t remember finding it terribly noteworthy to me


The Unquiet Dead
Robot of Sherwood
Empress of Mars
Sleep No More
Cold War
Victory of the Daleks
The Crimson Horror

Night Terrors

The Idiot’s Lantern


Yeah, even the ones high in my ranking are still not favourites. They’re not bad like those lower down, but not the greatest either

  1. The Unquiet Dead
  2. The Crimson Horror
  3. Robot of Sherwood
  4. Cold War
  5. Victory of the Daleks
  6. Empress of Mars
  7. Night Terrors
  8. The Idiot’s Lantern
  9. Sleep No More
  1. The Crimson Horror
  2. The Unquiet Dead
  3. The Idiot’s Lantern
  4. Robot of Sherwood
  5. Cold War
  6. Night Terrors
  7. Empress of Mars
  8. Victory of the Daleks
  9. Sleep No More

I don’t really care about most of these episodes. Out of everything he’s written my favorite is The Devil of Winterborne from P.R.O.B.E.


I haven’t listened to it in ages [either] but the truth is I don’t really like it that much :sob: I guess I’m not really a fan of his DW style—I didn’t even like Nightshade that much…

Hang on, though—we’ll be listening to Invaders in the audio club quite soon! Looking forward to a revisitation!

  1. Crimson Horror
  2. Robot of Sherwood
  3. Empress of Mars
  4. Cold War
  5. Victory of the Daleks
  6. The Unquiet Dead
  7. Sleep No More
  8. Night Terrors (although I do have a soft spot for it)
  9. The Idiot’s Lantern

Most Gatiss episodes are just kind of okay for me. Top three are ones that I do like but I don’t love any of them. I have listened to Phantasmagoria and thats just kind of okay too, I think I’d put it between Cold War and Victory of the Daleks


Huh, a lot of these were really forgettable to me–I’m not sure I could remember them well enough to rank them. Which is a ranking in its own right… I do like Idiot’s Lantern, I guess.


Now that’s a spinoff and a half… I have nothing bad to say about P.R.O.B.E., I do quite honestly love it even if it’s daft.

I also have a real soft spot for Victory of the Daleks because I watched it many, many times on the DVD of the first three s5 episodes. I watched that DVD on loop for weeks!


Victory gets dogged on a lot but it is very rewatachable and has a lot of some fun moments. The Dalek’s “WOULD YOU CARE FOR SOME TEA?!” line really stuck with me as a great little funny moment.


Totally, it’s not even half as bad as people claim it is. Yeah, the rainbow daleks are a bit silly but the episode itself is more than entertaining enough for what it is


Can we all at least agree that “An Adventure in Space and Time” is the very best thing Mark Gatiss has ever written for Doctor Who?:grin:


I never used to remember Victory but I rewatched it recently and it’s actually quite a bit better than I remembered. Don’t know why my brain kept erasing it from existence.

  • The Unquiet Dead
  • The Idiot’s Lantern
  • Cold War
  • Victory of the Daleks
  • Night Terrors
  • Empress of Mars
  • The Crimson Horror
  • Sleep No More
  • Robot of Sherwood

only a rough guess without thinking too much but Robots of sherwood was one of the lowest points for me.