Pitch your Story Ideas

This is 100% something Big Finish would probably commission so I say send it in. Maybe send it to Colin first - he seems game for pretty much anything… :smirk:


I did for the Short Trips competition a few years back but it didn’t go anywhere.


This sounds somewhat similar to the Cybermen plot in The Harvest, a Seventh Doctor Big Finish story.


My dad submitted some ages ago. For the 7th doctor. One was about shadows in an infinite library, but BF said it was too dark for Doctor Who, and then asked him to write another. So he wrote one about a sentient being on a crystal planet. But again, too dark, and he lost the competition. And then you had Silence in The library/Forest of the Dead and Midnight back to back a few years after he lost the competition.

A few months ago I was also scrolling deep into a comments sections and found a fan who apparently had written a story about a cyberman asylum and a girl who was actually just a cyberman. And that the BBC stole his failed idea and made it into the Daleks Asylum episode.

Idk if it’d help to email your story to yourself once you’re done with it, so you’ve got a date of proof of when you wrote it if you “lose”. Kinda put me off of Moffats era cuz I wonder how many other episodes were competition "loser"s with no credit.


I think I came to it at around the same sort of time I listened; I’d been very tired out of the Cybermen as a big scary space army so I wanted to find stories that drilled into the personalized horror of becoming a Cyberman instead.


That’s a crazy story. Hopefully it was just an unfortunate coincidence that the stories were too similar, but it does sound like the stories were suspiciously close to what ended up on screen. It’s a shame as the Cyberman asylum would make for a good episode.


Ohhh… I love this idea.
Once, I had muddled over writing a fanfic story about Zoe as a middle aged woman. Her memory of the Dr returns in dreams which captures the attention of the Dream Weaver who intends to use her in his cunning scheme of vengeance toward the current Dr.


I think some of the Wendy Padbury-led Companion Chronicles have an older Zoe framing story to them.


I can confirm that. There are at least two, and they take the premise that the some of the memories the Time Lords wiped are slipping through.


There is a quadrilogy, I think: Echoes of Grey; The Memory Cheats; The Uncertainty Principle and Second Chances


Thanks Delta…something for me to look forward to. :smiley:

Turns out I have all of them, with Second Chances being the last of the Companion Chronicles I bought.

Of course, the fact that I had no recollection of just how many there were is just another bit of evidence as to why I’ve started down the road of re-listening to all my Who audios.


Sweet… I will have to check those chronicles out, thanks