A while back, I made a post about underrated stories and it seemed to go down quite well so I thought I’d go ahead and make a thread on the opposite - stories everybody else seems to love that you just can’t get into.
Please do remember to remain civil, if somebody disagrees with you, feel free to have a healthy discussion about why you think otherwise but let’s not get heated.
Everyone enjoys a friendly rant, just remember to indulge the ranter.
Here are a couple picks I’d choose for overrated stories:
The Power of the Doctor:
It’s not a fan favourite or anything but I’ve seen enough people praise it to call it overrated. I genuinely cannot stand this nostalgia-bait Z-list popcorn flick. It boasts my least favourite Doctor, antagonist, companion, companion exit and regeneration and the fact that a lot of people consider it the best of this era makes my blood boil.
The Sky Man:
Certainly the slowest masterpiece I’ve ever experienced. The ending’s haunting, sure, but the rest just feels like padding to me. Cole’s getting more tiresome by the second, I don’t care about his girlfriend, I know where the story’s going from the start. Frankly, I don’t really get any of the love for James Goss, I’m yet to see a story that puts him in the top echelon of who writers.
(I actually recently watched Genesis, and while it does not crack my top-20 of stories, it is still a very solid story, giant clams and all…)
The “Do I have the right?” bit is certainly overrated though.
We reestablished that the Daleks are scary in Dalek, then throw a million of 'em at the Doctor, devaluing them again.
The resolution was fairly deux ex machina, with touching the “do not touch” parts of the TARDIS turning Rose super-saiyan instead of, say, instantly frying her.
We kill off 9 after one season, when he was clearly a great Doctor and should have had several. And saving Rose with a kiss?
Also not a fan of killing an almost companion or most of the game show stuff, though that was mostly the previous episode…
I choose to read this as the TARDIS using Rose as a vessel or puppet to save her Doctor - essentially frying Rose within and causing her entire personality to change which explains why she acts the way she does in series 2.
So the Doctor and Rose were getting romantic because Rose is actually the TARDIS, and thus his wife?
I saw something that there was an alternate ending to the Parting of the Ways that had the TARDIS scan Rose and had a display saying “Lifeform Dying”. (Which might go a long way to explaining why they visit the cat nun doctors at the beginning of next season…)