Not Alone - A War Master Thread

With two new sets getting announced for October '25 and October '26, and knowing that some people on the forums have Opinions about The War Master (both as a character and a range), thought it might be a good idea to have a general War Master thread!


Never listened to the audios, but I found it strange how he had such a long run of them.

Heā€™s been described as a ā€˜Hannibal Lecterā€™-type character. I did not see that on screen at all. Even when he got his memories back, I just viewed him as an average incarnation of the Master.

Maybe anyone whoā€™s listened to the audios can explain.


I canā€™t remember at which point I forgot to follow on my War Master listen-through. It seems that the timeline from box set to box set is not continuous?


Itā€™s not, no

Each one is self contained and doesnā€™t link the any others (may be references to them but I donā€™t remember if there are)

In fact the first set released is the last chronologically (afaik)


So thatā€™s why I keep getting lost :melting_face:

Might as well jump straight into the latest release and work backwards


It wouldnā€™t change anything, to be fair. They are standalone, whatever set them in a continuity are either small details or recurring characters.

The only thing you need to know for box one is that itā€™s set closer to the end of the War and timelords arenā€™t particularly loved anymore.


Four seasons/box-sets into the War Master range + his two Dark Gallifrey havenā€™t given me any insight into this incarnation. I canā€™t think of any distinguishing characteristics for him other than ā€œgeneric Master templateā€ sadly.

And I donā€™t even think his audio performances really resembles the 5 minutes we had him onscreen in Utopiaā€¦


If you want a Hannibal-Lecter type, listen to Killing Time. The first and last stories are good and form the backbone of the set but then the middle two stories are brutal. Essentially, the Masterā€™s latest scheme will take time to come to fruition. So, rather than just sit around waiting, he kills time by messing with Jo and Nyssa in the most brutal, psychological ways possible by capitalizing on his shared history with them. Itā€™s not something Iā€™d listen to often, but it was really good.


And speaking of War Master, just got a notification saying thereā€™s a War Master flash sale at Big Finish!


I disagree a bit. I think he relishes at being evil much more than other incarnations. Sure, every Master is cruel, but War seems to get a deep pleasure from it.


Really? He seems rather tame to me compared to someone like the Eric Roberts Master


ā€œTameā€ in a different sense thoughā€¦



I am never afraid of the Roberts incarnation. Sure, I know he can ruin my life, but he is kinda pathetic for me (thatā€™s great!). I would be afraid to be in the same planet as the War Master.


Have you heard some of the Master! box-sets with Eric Roberts? I can really recommend them for a vicious Master performance :slightly_smiling_face:


He is very methodical, Iā€™ll give you that, but thatā€™s what makes him scary for me in comparison to his New counterparts (they are messy) and Classic too (they are imbeciles)


Not yet, just his performance in the Movie + Day of the Master. Heā€™s great in both, but I just canā€™t take him that seriously.


I might get these once I start Big Finish properly.


Thatā€™s fair.
I just wish I could see what so many clearly see in the War Masterā€™s audios :slightly_smiling_face:


Uuuh, I was about to write that here we have a safe space for us War Master and Derek Jacobi lovers and you already let Uncle Killjoy @BillFiler loose! Bad sport, that :laughing:

Well, what are you waiting for? Heā€™s Sir Derek Jacobi, a national treasure (this comes from a man who isnā€™t even British!). Heā€™s an awesome Master and you will obey him! Itā€™s fun listening to his scheming and manipulation as he works his way toward his goals.

Quoted for truth. Missy wants to cause mayhem and have fun, but the War Master wants to slowly twist the knife in the wound and see his victims realise that theyā€™ve walked into a trap.

Donā€™t listen to @BillFiler, he is a Mad Dane with bad taste (Movie Master, what a joke! And yes, I have listened to the Master! set), so obviously heā€™s biased :wink::laughing:


Iā€™ve listened to a few War Master sets and my only real complaint is that thereā€™s not enough War Master in them!

He seems to be a minor character in most of his stories. I donā€™t think Big Finish can really afford such a well-known actor :sweat_smile:

But I think his performances are excellent. He can be totally ruthless and evil. Chilling. So good!

But in most stories no-one else gets out alive, so it can be quite depressing. Iā€™ve found that I canā€™t listen to too many at once, otherwise it gets me down!

Iā€™m looking forward to keep going with his sets but have to dip into other ranges in between!