Nobody No-One's fanfic corner

Yeah, what it says in the title. I actually wanted to do this post so I could share some ideas I have for an ongoing project later, but!

I have written and published (one) Doctor Who fanfiction before. It’s one of the first texts I’ve ever written since I was twelve and writing some extremely cringe Yu Gi Oh fanfic, so take it with a grain of salt. But I thought eh, why not share.

Link to read it in ao3:


This seems like something @sircarolyn would like!


I do love Leela… I’ll check it out later when I have time!


This was a really nice Read! Lovely stuff here :clap:! Excited about any further Prose of yours, if you want to share them of course!

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Thanks. I do have two story arcs I want to write someday, but I just can’t find much time to write right now. Who knows, I’ve been meaning to come back to it.

I thought about sharing the ideas for it in this post, I just need to organize it a lil bit more.

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Oh exciting! Take your time of course but also if you want to share any of your Ideas, I am sure people would like to hear them! :pray: But yeah excited for anything in the Future!